Chapter 11: Father

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(3rd POV)

After 2 hours of flying, Ed and Winry began to complain about flying. 

"Y/n, my head hurts. Do you thing we could fly lower for a little while?" Winry said. You nodded and flew to a lower altitude.

"My legs hurt and my automail is starting to stiffen. Could we take a little rest?" You did, and then you began to fly again.




Hell on Earth....

Time Skip to arrival

You looked ahead and saw that the city of Central was coming near. You had to send your dragon away since you couldn't fly overhead on a dragon. The whole city would go into chaos.

You begin to descend into the landscape bellow. Once you landed, you whistled and snapped three times, signaling your dragon to return. It flew directly past the four of you and into a portal behind. Once the portal shut, you made your way to Central with Ed, Al, and Winry.

When you stepped into the city, you immediately felt something was wrong. Your suspicions were confirmed when you felt a vibration in the ground and smoke coming up from a building. You began writing quickly to Ed. "Get Winry somewhere safe. Meet us at the building." You tore off the piece of paper and handed it to Ed. You tapped Al and signaled for him to go with you. Ed and Winry ran off to find shelter while you and Al headed towards the explosion.

You criss-crossed through people and cars trying to get away from the explosion. You followed the trail of people. Al then asked someone where the explosion was and they gave you news.

"Y/n, the explosion was at Central Command!" You then break into a full sprint for Central Command. You needed to see if everyone was alright.

When you get there, you see two figures standing on rubble. The one in the white suit turns around and sees you and Al. He taps the boy and they turn back to you. The small boy walks towards you while the man stays back and watches. You then see the boy release shadows with eyes and launch them towards you. You leap backwards and launch towards the boy, ready to strike. Suddenly, you fall down. "Such a pathetic human."

You are lifted up and the black shadows wrap around your legs and wrists. "Now, Pride. We can't kill the girl yet. She is needed by father, remember."

"Thank you, Kimblee." The boy, Pride says. Al begins to transmute the ground under him, but Pride jumps away with you still bound. Ed has arrived and is beginning to charge at Pride, but he is grabbed by his wrists and bound up like you are. "We can't kill either of you two yet. But, we can take you to father."

"No! Brother, N/n!" N/n is nickname.

Pride begins to go underground with Kimblee following. "No, dammit!" Al says. He follows Kimblee and Pride into the ground, but they disappeared. "Dammit!"

(Ed's POV)

I can't move. My arms are too far apart to perform any Alchemy. "We need to take you to father, so that we can finish."

"Finish what?" I ask.

"Finish gathering out sacrifices."

My eyes widen and I try to escape. The shadows around me become tighter and I scream in pain. Y/n seems to have been doing the same thing. Suddenly, a pointed shadow goes to her throat. "I need to make sure you don't escape, F/n L/n of the Chikara." She stops struggling, but her binds become tighter and tighter. "You're our priority."

We then come to a pair of doors. They have intricate designs on them. The doors swing open and reveal a throne with a man dressed in white sitting in it. He has golden hair, just like mine.

"Ah, thank you Pride, my prestigious son. You have done well. You can leave them here. Now get the last one."

"Yes father." Pride and Kimblee then exit the room. The man in the throne then looks at us. He then directs his attention towards Y/n. "So, I've received word that you have killed one of my sons. You do realize that now his siblings are sad and I grieve with them."

Y/n just gives him a hard stare. The only emotion in her eyes are hate and rage. 

"Maybe I will make your friends feel the same emotion we feel towards the loss of Envy." Father says.

"NO!" I scream.

(Your POV)

"Maybe I will make your friends feel the same emotion we feel towards the loss of Envy." Father says. Suddenly, he stands up from his throne and runs towards me.

"NO!" Ed screams.

I move out of the way just in time. "I need your power," he yells. I continue to dodge. Suddenly, he stops. "You stepped right into it, silly girl." I look down.

A transmutation circle. I look back up and suddenly see red sparks flash around me. I unsheathe my two swords and try to run towards Father, but I can't. I look down and see my feet sinking into the ground. I feel nothing under them.

I start to sink faster. I claw along the ground to try and get out, but it's no use. I fall completely through the floor. I tumble through the air and feel my back hit the ground.

Everything goes black.

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