Chapter 9: Hijack

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(3rd POV)

"Put your hands in the air, or we'll shoot."

Alphonse immediately put his hands in the air, even though he was a suit of armor. You, however, decided to play a little game. A specific game in which someone is rolling on the floor in pain. You smile, contracting your plan.

"What are you smiling for? Put your hands in the air!" You just smile wider.

"Y/n, what are you doing?!"

Finally, the attackers lunge at you. Such a stupid move. They have guns, why not use them?

You dodge the attackers with ease. They keep attacking and wasting all of their strength on you. Eventually, they tire themselves and this leaves you with an opportunity to attack. You kick the man closest to you in the face, making him fall to the ground unconscious. The other two attackers look up and see their fellow friend on the floor, nose broken beyond repair. They surrender and tell you where the rest of their group is hiding.

Suddenly, the train starts moving back towards Central. "Oh, and by the way, we're all heading to Creta. Have fun!" One of the hijackers says with a devious smirk. Your eyes widen and you start to head to the engine room as quickly as possible.

"Y/n, are you okay?" You nod your head, but you needed to stop this train.

Before you enter the next car, you write something to Alphonse using your paper. "Al, I know why they want to take this train to Creta. They want to use the cliffs in Table City and push this train off, killing innocent people for entertainment. We need to stop this as soon as possible."

You hand Al the note and he reads it. He then looks to you. "Lets go!" he says, panic clear in his voice.

The two of you enter the next car and are greeted with more hijackers. "Freeze!"

You clap your hands and aim them towards the hijackers. You shoot light directly at their eyes and permanently blind them. They scream at the pain of the light and fall to the floor. "Is everyone alright?" Al asks. Everyone nods and says their thanks. 

The two of you make your way to the next car and see people climb out the windows. You tap Al and point up. He nods, getting your message.

You make your way over to the window and Al follows, ready to boost you up. "You get the ones up there. I'll stay down here and get the hijackers in the other cars." Al says. You nod and give him the signal.

Once outside, you look around your surroundings. The land passing by has little to no vegetation and the soil is turning an rust red. You were going quicker than you thought. "So, you've come to play?" you hear a voice say.

You turn around and see a whole group of hijackers, moving to surround you. "You're trapped, you can't go anywhere." the (apparently) leader says.

You give a sinister smile and begin to attack. You used the heat of light to melt all the barrels of their guns. You clap your hands together and shoot them outwards, making your claws extend out. Now, it was time to fight.

You launch at one attacker and plunge your hand into his abdomen. You drag your hand upwards and down quickly, killing the poor man. You hear the rest of the men drop their guns and roll off the train. You know they don't die. It's too small of a drop. At the most, they might have some broken arms. You look at the body and see all of the organs beginning to leak out. Rest in peace. May your next life be a better one.

You move along quickly and see no one else. You take another look at your surroundings and notice that you are almost at the cliffs before Table City. Shit!

You quickly go inside the train and notice that you are in the engine room with Alphonse trying to stop the train. "Y/n! You're back! But what do I do?!" You write frantically and as quickly as possible. "Do anything!" You then clap your hands together and make the metal around the train take different shape. It cuts into the earth, desperately trying to stop.

You tap Al and point up, signaling that you want to go up to the roof again. You were going to check on Ed and Winry and tell them that they need to get everyone off this train. 

Al boosts you up and you write really quickly before you begin to make your way back. "Ed, Winry, I need you to evacuate everyone off this train as quickly as possible. Make sure nobody dies."

You run along the roof of the train cars until you near the end of it, finding the car you and your friends were in. You find the compartment and stick your head in the window. You smile once Ed and Winry see you. You hand them the piece of paper and give a thumbs-up. You then leave.

You clap your hands again to try and stop the train. You could feel that it went a fraction slower, but it was just enough so that everyone could get off safely. You then make perfect door holes in all the train cars for everyone to get out of. You could see the cliffs.

People then begin getting out of the cars, rolling on the ground. Lastly you see Ed and Winry jump out. Good, they're safe. Now, I need to tell Al.

Ed beat you to it though. "Al! Get off the train!" You see a suit of armor tumble across the landscape. You were about to jump until you heard a feminine voice from behind you. "Well well well, it seems you've figured it out."

Envy. What the hell is he doing here?!

You jump to the left just before Envy stabbed you. You make your hands into claws and run towards Envy, hands outstretched. He dodges.

It is a game of cat and mouse until the car you were standing on passed over the cliff. 

Envy grabbed your neck, choking you, and lifted you up. "Write down the information we need, or I'll throw you off the train." The train's wheels clacked under the two of you, making you scared. But, you would not tell the secret of the Chikara.

"Fine. I guess we'll dig it up."

You then feel yourself soaring in the air, no resistance. You see the ground rushing quickly towards you.

"NO, YOU BASTARD!!" Ed screams.

You realized you had no choice.

You needed to use the secret of the Chikara.

Hey! How's this story going? Good? Bad? Let me know, I'm curious on what you think.

Also, I will try and update as much as I can. School has started again (it's been for a little while, actually) and I really need to focus as much as I can. So, sorry if updates become less frequent.

Oh, also sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger (pun not intended), but you will learn the secret of your people, the Chikara.

If anyone would like me to explain some plot-points, I will do so. If you have questions about any characters, let me know. I don't want to leave you confused about characters and stuff.

DFTBA~ Sagi 

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