Chapter 13: The Final Battle (Pt. 2)

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A/N- Hello and welcome to the last part of this fanfiction. Once again, I apologize if I made it really short (hehe, like Ed). What I can do is if people would like a longer, more in depth version, I can make another story but add in chapters and elaborate.

In August, I will be a freshman in high school. I have decided to take all pre-AP and honors classes. Why am I telling you this? So that if I suddenly go away for a long period of time, you can have an idea why. I've decided to tell you guys now and not wait and leave you hanging in the dark.

Now, this is going to be a long chapter, so be prepared. Grab some snacks, a drink, and snuggle under some blankets (I'm writing this snuggled up, so yeah...)

Now, onto the last part of your adventure.

The music will have a specific place in the story. I'll tell you.


You, Ed, Al, Roy, and Izumi are trapped underground. When Father leaves, you think of a plan to escape and confront Father.

You had just regained your voice due to the fact that you were willing to protect your friends and that you were a selfless person. 

Now, the Final Battle begins...

(3rd POV)

"Come on!" 

Everyone gathers around you and Al places his hands around your waist. You smile to yourself. But, you weren't sure if this would last. This is a battle after all.

You clap your hands together and place them on the ground, making it ascend up. You whistle and call your dragon. "Why did you whistle?" Izumi asks. 

"Just wait," is all you reply. 

The five of you break to the surface and land on the ground. A deep roar can then be heard in the distance. "Is that..." Izumi questions.

"Indeed, it is."

Shikyo flies and lands in front of your group. Izumi and Roy are shocked at the fact that you are a Dragon Flyer. "I thought that dragons didn't exist..." Roy says. You softly chuckle. It felt good to be able to laugh. To hear the sound coming from your voice. You begin to tear up.

"Y/n, are you okay? You were crying." Al asks.

You reach a hand up to your face and feel that there are wet streaks. "So I was... But yes, Al. I am fine." You smile up at him. "Alright, get on!" You motion towards Shikyo and help everyone on. You take hold of the reigns and call for Shikyo to fly.

You ascend vertically into the air and start to gain height. In a battle, an aerial view is the best advantage.

You start to fly towards the center of Central, only to see a red light. "Down!" You shout quickly, both towards your friends and towards Shikyo.

Shikyo makes a dive straight down and evens out just above the ground. You take this opportunity to jump off Shikyo. You knew that you were the only one who could defeat Father. "Take them somewhere safe," you whispered, just before you jumped.

She understood what you had to too. She made a saddened growl and went up. "Wait, no! Y/N!" you heard Alphonse yell. You couldn't respond and you felt tears stream down your face. "I'm sorry, please forgive me..." 

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