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A strange noise left my lips, a noise that definitely didn't sound human. "Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my GOD." I screeched, anyone who heard me probably thought I was a dying parrot. "TAYLOR SWIFT JUST FOLLOWED ME AND REBLOGGED MY FACE AND TALKED TO ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm not sure if anyone heard me, with the walls being so thick, but I don't care if they did.

I jumped up from my bed and leaped around my room, May jumped around with me aswell, trying to get my feet. Taylor swift knows who I am, she knows my name, she knows what happened last night, she knows about May, she knows i live in an orphanage! Could she..? Would she..? No. She has a busy life, she wouldn't have time to take care of a kid, right?

"May baby! Taylor swift knows about you and I!" I kneeled down, "the girl I have been obsessing over for years knows about us!" Even May seems happy. The massive smile that was plastered on my face wouldn't be wiped off any time soon. "I should see what she said!" With that, I climb onto my bed and have a look at tumblr.

"Its the video of you under my bed!" I tell may, she curls up beside me and looks at the screen. I wonder if she can read what it says, I wonder if she can understand me. I have a look at what Taylor said, it makes me jump up and down in excitement.

"Hey Ivory! You're beautiful and so is your cat. Your name is also really beautiful and different! I'm sorry about what happened to you, no one should go through that. I hope you're okay. Thank you so much for supporting me for all these years, I would love to meet you someday. -Taylor. " I read outloud. I started shaking and crying, "she wants to meet me May!" I squeal, hugging the fluffy cat.

I take a selfie with May, it's very blurred from my shaking but it's obvious its us. My face is red so it's also obvious I'm crying. I type the words really quickly, messing up the spelling. "TAYLIR YOURE AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEM AND MAY ANF I ARW SO HAPOY OH MU GODDDDDDDDD WHAHSNAJJEHFKEKSHSI" I couldn't stop crying, it was impossible to do anything but cry and squeal.

I got onto my phone camera and made a little video. "May! Taylor knows about us!" I manage to say between sobs, May nuzzles my phone and meows. I get up and jump over to my mirror, so you could see my red face, pyjamas, May on my bed and my messy hair. "Taylor t-thank you so much, I am so happy I-i can't even function!" I wipe my face and turn around, running to May, "May, say thank you to Taylor!" May mews and hits the phone with her paw. I laugh and stop the video, putting it on tumblr with the caption "(!!!)"

I am so going to be late for breakfast.

Taylors POV.

I woke up to Olivia and Meredith meowing for their breakfast. "Okay, okay, I'm up!" I say groggily, checking the time on my digital clock beside my bed. It was 10 o'clock, I slept in. You can't blame me, I was up from five in the morning to one at night, doing a photoshoot and having multiple interviews and meetings. Oh yeah, the paparazzi also figured out a way to look in through my bedroom window.

I get up and feed my hungry cats, I make my bed and make myself some Toast. I then get into the shower and wash my hair. I grab my phone from my room aswell as a white skirt and blue crop top, before going back to the bathroom, to brush my hair and teeth and put my make up on.


I get changed in the bathroom, too worried that the paparazzi might somehow get a picture of me while I'm changing, that would be tragic. I leave my short, manageable hair out. It's easier that way, I won't have to spend a lot of time on it. I walk back to my bedroom, making sure everything is fine before opening my curtains, letting the light in. I look out my window when I open my curtains, looking for those pesky paps. I don't see any, but that doesn't mean they don't have long lens.

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