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Ivorys POV.

6:30 pm. Taylor and I are in the kitchen making spaghetti and salad. I'm on 'salad duty' as Taylor called it, and she's doing the spaghetti. We've been talking about stuff, getting to know each other more. I didn't say that I know practically everything about her though. I met Olivia. Olivia was cute, she kept mewing and made friends with May quickly. I hadn't really seen mere around.

"We should make a little chart calendar thing of things we should do this year." I mention, cutting and grating a carrot. Once at the orphanage Emily grated her hand, it wasn't very nice to look at. She did it on purpose also, to see if her skin would come off. I don't think I need to say what happened after that.

"Hey, yeah! I have so many plans. We'll definitely be going down to rhode island in summer, that'll be fun." Taylor says, making the bolognaise sauce. I think.

The kitchen is really pretty and bright. I'm at the island bench, doing the salad, and Taylor is behind me at the stove. And the smell from the sauce is drifting around the room, and it smells amazing.

I'm not sure how I'll do in an apartment. It's a big apartment, but there's not really a grassy area outside. There's two little terraces, but I'm not sure I'll be okay with that. I can't wait til summer.

"I can't wait, that'll be awesome. I love the beach and outside, I feel more at home like that." I say, putting the carrots in the bowl and moving onto the cucumber.

"I've finally figured it out." Tay says, turning around to face me. "I figured it out."

I stand there, staring back at her with a confused expression on my face.

"I know who you sound like. You sound like Luna from Harry Potter. With that dreamy, kinda airy voice. I love it." Taylor looks at me. "If you bleach your hair and wear radish ear rings you'll be like, exactly like her."

I laugh and put the cut up cucumber in the bowl. Then grabbing the salad dressing, and putting a little bit in. "This is like a new start, and you know how you cut your hair for the 1989 era? I would like to cut mine, but not yet."

Taylor takes the sauce pans off the stove, and gets out some plates. "You'd look nice with short hair, I think it'd suit you."


After dinner I take a shower, and put on my pajamas. They're the kind of typical ones, the top and bottoms are a matching yellow colour with little cats on them. Buttons down the middle of the top.

Taylor and I sit up until ten watching movies on tv, and after the movie 'knight and day' I go upstairs to sleep.

I lay down in bed, pulling the covers over me and May sleeps in a little ball at my feet. I check social media and I have a lot of DMs, asking why I was with Tay and what happened. I don't reply to any, because I don't think I'm allowed, so instead I make my new social media accounts.

Instagram and tumblr are 'ivoryswift.' And Twitter is 'ivoryswift14.'


I look through my camera roll for a picture to post, and I decide on one where I'm at the beach, wearing a skirt and black top with red lipstick on. It's my favourite picture of me because I look so happy in it, I still remember that day. It was before I Left for the bowens, we'd gone out to the beach and Emily and I were taking pictures of each other.

I post it on all my social medias with the caption, 'a while ago.'

I put the charger into my phone, and put on my 'sleep' playlist. It's just a playlist with slow Taylor songs. I turn the volume down low, so it's not too loud, and put my phone on my bedside table.

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