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Ivory-rose's POV

Taylor and I sat in the back seat of the black suv, ready to get out.

The car stopped outside a big building, surrounded by hedges. Taylor and I grabbed our bags, and got out of the car. Taylor said a quick thank you and the car started up again, driving down the road. We walked up to the front gate, and the tall blonde pressed a button on the side of it, and above it was a small circle that I guessed was a lens of some type.

"Hello?" A voice buzzed from one of the speakers, taking me by surprise. I've heard of these, but I've never seen one.

"Hey! It's Taylor Swift, I wanted to take a look around the school." Taylor spoke.

"Okay, come up to the front office I'll open the gate."

The gate opened a second later, and Taylor and I walked in.

We walked along the paths, trying to find the office.

"It's really pretty." Taylor says as we pass a small garden littered with different coloured flowers.

"It is, it's calm for a school."

"Oh! I think this is it." Taylor points to a small building, a sign is next to it that says 'office.'

"Well, I mean, there's a sign that says office right there. You can't be wrong." I laugh and Taylor opens the glass door.

The office has White walls with accents of gray around the doors, white tiles line the floor and off to the left there's a small seating area.

Taylor and I walk up to the window, where a small woman with black hair is typing at a computer.

She looks up and smiles. "Hello! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Anne."

"Nice to meet you, too! I'm Taylor. This is Ivory and we wanted to have a look around." Taylor says, and Anne smiles at me.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ivory. I'll show you around, and you both look gorgeous!" The dark haired lady stands up, and walks out of the room so she's standing beside us.

"Thank you so much! And yes, that'll be great." Taylor replies happily, and I mumble a thank you as well.

Anne shows us around the office building, a few art projects are hung up on one of the walls and around the back of the front desk is the nurses office.

We head out of the building and Anne shows us down a path lined with flowers to some of the classrooms.

The classrooms are modern and neat. In most of them, three walls are white and one is a different colour like red, yellow, green and blue. The lockers are outside of the rooms, but they're still in shade from the tin roofs that are above all the paths, and they face the courtyard.

The courtyard also looked quite nice. It had trees in each corner with a bench and bin under them.

We look at the art room and science room, closely followed by the library.

The library had rows along rows of books, and small couches and seats around the place.

"Do you like to read?" Anne asks me as we walk through the library.

"Yes, I used to read all day under a tree on the property I was staying at before Taylor took me in. It was kind of like an escape, I guess." I reply, as we exit the library.

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