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Taylors POV.

When I get back to my apartment, I check my laptop. Sure enough, I had an email from Elle.

I sit on the couch in my cozy living room, and I read the email. I looked through it quickly, before properly reading it. I saw words like, "thirteen" "quiet" "paralysis" "cat" etc etc. I scroll back up the page. As I'm about to start reading, my phone rings.

(T: Tay A: Andrea)

T: hey mom, what's up?
A: hi honey, do you mind if your father and I drop in?
T: no, not at all. I was just about to read the information about the girl.
A: wait for your father and I, we would like to read it as well, we should be there in ten minutes.
T: okay, mom. See you soon!
A: you too.

I hang up my phone and close my laptop screen. I scroll through tumblr while waiting.


I hear my door open and look over the couch to see who comes in. I know my security wouldn't let anyone dangerous in but I still get worried sometimes.

I smile and get up from the couch when I see my mom and dad walking in.

"Hey guys!" I embrace my mother and father in hugs, "hi Taylor!" My mom, Andrea replies. "Hey taytay!" My dad says. We walk into the kitchen and I get my laptop from the lounge. "uh, do you guys want a drink or something?" I ask, placing my laptop down. "I will make myself a coffee." Mom says, going to the cupboard. "No, I can it's fine. Sit down." My mom laughs and sits down on a stool by the bench. "Dad? Do you want a coffee?" I ask, getting out a cup. "No thankyou, Taylor." He replies, sitting down next to mom.

I turn the kettle on and open my laptop.

"Okay, so." I started, opening the email.

"I thought uh, so having a young child is harder than having an older one, right?" They nodded. "Yeah, so I um, thought getting an older one like around twelve would be easier, since I don't think I will be having a child if I don't have a love." (A/n this is after 1989 but she hasn't met calvino yet.) "and I'm almost 26, I would like a child."

"I think this is a good idea, darling." My mother says, smiling. "Me too, I like how you're thinking." My dad adds.

"Thanks guys! Okay so this is her information, I haven't read it, don't worry." I smile and start reading.

--- (this is the email.)

Dear ms swift,

Here are Ivorys files, if you still want to continue with the adoption email me back and we can sort out a time for you to come around.

Miss Elle, miss Elle's home for children.

(Okay I honestly don't know what to put so sorry if it's like laid out wrong 😹)
Full Name. Ivory-rose.
Birth. 14/3/02
Skin. White.
Eyes. Pale green.
Hair. Light brown.

Personality. Quiet, loving, kind, funny.
Other. She has a pet cat, she won't go anywhere without it. She loves to read and loves to be outside. Ivory loves storms, she likes being outside during them. She likes being alone. She likes taking small risks.
Ivory has anxiety and sleep paralysis. She hasn't had sleep paralysis in a while, but be aware.


I read the email out loud so my parents could hear.

What's sleep paralysis? She can't move while she's asleep?

"Do you guys know what sleep paralysis is?" I ask, frowning. "No, never heard of it." My dad frowns aswell. "Look it up, it sounds bad." My mom suggests. "Okay, let's see."

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