2: i am in physical pain from making Kelsey sad

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Kelsey Stump's everyday routine went like this: wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, and go out to catch the bus. But today she got up, undressed, and looked at her naked body is the mirror. She looked at herself up and down, starting with her face. Her hair was short and thin, like Pete's, but browner and less of a cringey edgelord haircut. Her face was plump, covered in acne since she couldn't be bothered to go buy some cream or something for that. It wasn't quite as masculine as she wanted, but it was okay. She secretly liked it when people mistook her for a boy. Then she looked st her shoulders. She wished they were a lot more square, hers were a tad too feminine. Then came the worst part: her breasts. They made her look way too feminine and they were just an inconvenience. And they weren't small or anything, oh no. She wore a double D cup, when she wanted to wear a bra. Most of the time she didn't because it was just a reminder of them. That was how the world worked, though, if you're not skinny, you're going to have big boobs. Whatever, the thought. They're just lumps of fat anyways.

Feeling better, Kelsey turned her attention to her arms. She had averagely muscular arms. They were probably her favourite part of herself. She raised them and saw her hairy armpits. Kelsey never shaved any part of her body. If guys didn't have to do it, why did she? Besides, it wasn't like she or anyone else who was actually important  found them gross or anything. With this boost of confidence, she moved on to her stomach. It was definitely chubbier that the rest of her friends. It made her feel good, though. She was definitely the manliest of them, and her size just made her more intimidating than the rest of them. She smiled at herself. She wasn't a scary person, at least she hoped not, but she kind of liked people thinking that. They didn't mess with her even though there was no messing to be done. Then she looked up at her face and studied her smile. She had a nice enough smile, her teeth weren't exactly white because she drank so much coffee, and she definitely should have gotten braces when she was at the acceptable age to have them, but her face lit up in an amazing way. Sure, it hilighted the parts of her face that had more fat than normal, but she didn't mind.

Then she was reminded of the task at hand. She sighed, as the next part was the absolute worst. And that was what was between her legs. She mentally prepared herself for this. She felt dumb, getting all worked up all because of her vagina - she was a girl, she had to have one, for fuck's sake!- but she really despised having one. "You know what," she thought, "I'm just going to skip over that one part."

Her habit of studying herself was interrupted by her mother knocking at her door.

"Kelsey, you're going to be late for school!" Her mom shouted through the door.

Shit, Kelsey muttered under her breath. She pulled on some clothes that were definitely not clean but Kelsey didn't give a fuck. She shoved the door open, hoping her mom wasn't still there. Luckily, she wasn't. Kelsey ran down the stairs and checked the time on her mom's phone that was resting on the kitchen table. It was 8:45. Her bus came at 8:30. She was usually in school by this time!  Her mom was nowhere in sight. She looked out the window. There were no cars parked in the driveway. She was going to have to walk. She shoved some books into her bag, hoping that she didn't leave anything near her bed,where she did her homework last night. She usually brought her phone to school, but obviously this morning that wasn't an option. She ran outside, but once she realized it was hot as balls outside, she slowed to a walk. It was going to take at least half an hour to get to school. She huffed, thinking of the long walk ahead of her.

Meanwhile, at school, Jack was taking attendance. When he called Kelsey's name, Andy covered for her and said she was arriving shortly. Kelsey was never absent without telling her friends first. Jack obviously didn't give a single shit about who was and wasn't there, so he marked Kelsey as present. He wouldn't even take attendance if it wasn't mandatory. Normally, he never did anything anyone wanted him to.

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