12: (it was gay pudding)

80 7 3

As it turns out, dating is hard.

Especially when you showed up late to the date, sweaty and way underdressed.

Andy sat across from Gareth at MacPearl, a local fancy-ish Italian restaurant. He bounced his leg up and down as he looked at the menu.

"What are you getting?" He asked Gareth, who looked up, startled. They had been sitting in silence for the majority of their evening so far.

"Uh, I don't know. Were you planning on paying for me? Because in that case I'll get something that isn't the lobster Alfredo," Gareth laughed as Andy looked down and saw the price of the meal. Forty-five dollars!

"Well, it comes with a salad, and I know the salads here are fairly big. Why don't we share it? I might steal a little bit of the spaghetti, though," Andy compromised.

"Right, I almost forgot about your weird veganism! God, I swear, I'm like the worst date ever. Why'd you even ask me out?" Gareth said, only half joking. Andy shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. This is our night, of course shit's going to go wrong, we just gotta make sure to have fun, right?"


Mikey hadn't texted Pete in days, and it was getting worrying. Pete wondered if he had fucked something up between them. Maybe it was his constant fangirling. Maybe he had come on too strong. Maybe Gerard didn't like him. It could have been anything, fuck, Pete was just such a worrier, no wonder Mikey didn't want to talk to him.

Although, realistically, Mikey probably was just busy with something, he was in a fairly popular band. He couldn't be expected to text Pete whenever Pete felt lonely, which happened even more often now that Mikey never texted him.

Whatever his reasons were, Pete decided they sucked, so he would definitely text Mikey.

To: mikeyway
o shit waddup!

From: mikeyway
Working on dat new album!

To: mikeyway
holy shit you finally got memey

From: mikeyway

To: mikeyway
anyways oOh new album?¿

From: mikeyway
Yup yup! We're just kinda jamming right now which is honestly my favourite part. Like, there's no stress or anything and I really love it.

From: mikeyway
Speaking of, we're meeting up Wednesday starting at noon, wanna tag along?

To: mikeyway
omg that would be lit

To: mikeyway

To: mikeyway
i have school on wednesday

From: mikeyway
Aww man. Saturday then?

To: mikeyway
i mean i really don't mind missing school

From: mikeyway
You sure dude?

To: mikeyway
and by that i mean i REALLY DONT MIND,,, MISSING SCHOOL,,,

From: mikeyway
Cool beans! Should I pick you up or something? I mean Gerard will probably have to tag along bc I can't drive lmao. Also there's no point in him not tagging along so

Mighty Fall {Trohley, Petekey}Where stories live. Discover now