15: !!! welcome to trohley hell !!!

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The first thing Andy noticed about Joe's lips was the complete softness of them, the way the cradled his perfectly. The touch of Joe's hand on his face, just barely there; the taste of his lips, warm and inviting: all the feelings came flooding in at once. He could feel Joe breathing, knowing that he was there with him sent him in a trance that he couldn't describe for the life of him. He moved his hands to Joe's back, pulling his body closer. The action was awkward because of the couch they were sitting on, but Joe didn't mind because he was just basking in the moment.

They pulled away slowly after that, looking at each other and smiling, Joe's hands still on Andy's face, admiring every inch of him as Andy's hands travelled up and down his back, making his shirt ride up a little bit, not that Joe noticed until he felt Andy's hands on his bare skin, making him shiver at the contact.

"Is that okay?" Andy asked, regretting asking the question almost immediately. It broke the silence they had made so carefully and carelessly at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah," Joe assured him. This didn't make Andy feel any better, though hearing Joe's voice was pleasant, talking about it just seemed... awkward.

"Listen, I should probably, uh, get going, so..." Andy trailed off, removing his hands from Joe's back and stepping away from him so his hands were no longer on his face.

"You can stay, I mean-" Joe started.

"No, I uh- I have to be home soon, I promised my mom," Andy lied, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Joe wasn't very convinced by his words, but he let Andy go anyways. If he wanted to just ignore what happened, then fine. But Joe was definitely telling all of his Internet friends about this as soon as Andy left.

"Right. See you later, man," Joe sighed. Andy smiled at him, going into Joe's garage and retrieving his bike. As soon as he heard the garage door close, he leaped towards his phone, opening tumblr and going immediately to the website's shitty messaging system and typing up a message to a group chat he was in that included his online friends.

To: meme party

To: meme party
I meant to say guys but same dif

To: meme party
ok so you know my friend andy

From: josh newton
joe you literally never shut up about him

From: josh-newton
and by the way im a straighty and im offended by you assuming my sexuality

To: meme party
shut up josh

To: meme party
so he just came over and we watched Star Wars and i started lowkey flirting with him

To: meme party
so things happen and all of a sudden were kissing

To: meme party
kissing is really nice by the way highly recommended

From: scottsblog

To: meme party
scott you literally just reblogged a post about being gay i literally follow you

To: meme party
anyways we kissed and it was really good he's a really good kisser even though he has a beard which is a lot hotter than i thought it would be

To: meme party
and we pull away and he's just like "lmao gotta go!!"

To: meme party
and i was just like... bro are we not gonna talk about this because i think we both liked that and want to do it more if you know what i mean

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