21: pilots

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Joe, Patrick, Andy and Pete were all sitting in a circle at lunch. Well, it was really more of a square as they were only four, but for the sake of making them seem more popular, they always called it a circle.

Andy had made sure not to sit next to Joe, because he knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to resist touching his face all the time and staring into his eyes when he spoke. He really didn't need the other boys to know they were together, and he didn't really want them to feel excluded. In fact, that was another one of his reasons he didn't want to tell Pete and Patrick about their relationship.

"So, what did y'all do over the weekend?" Patrick asked, trying to make conversation as he got out his lunch.

"I called it off with Gareth," Andy announced. Pete almost choked on the hot dog he was putting into his mouth.

"You what?" He asked once his mouth wasn't full of sausage.

"Yeah, I don't know. I just wasn't feeling it, I guess," Andy shrugged, trying not to oook at Joe. He could guess the exact expression that would be on Joe's face, though, he would be ginning in a way that made Andy's legs turn to jelly, and winking at him knowingly. Joe really liked to tease Andy with this, and Andy really didn't have the heart to tell him to stop, especially not when he looked like that. "I... uh, I kind of found someone else, and I didn't want to hurt Gareth, I guess. You know?"

Patrick raised his eyebrows, but said nothing. He saw the way Joe was looking at Andy as he spoke and the way Andy tried not to look at Joe. There was definitely something going on between them, and he was pretty sure that it had something to do with this "new person".

"So tell us about this new guy, why don't you?" Joe requested, and Pete looked up in confusion. How did Joe know that it was a dude?

Andy stuttered in his words. "I- he- uh," he started. "He's, uh, no one you would know, of course," Andy said, and he knew he was just digging himself into a deeper hole with these lies. "And he's hot, too," he said, smiling, still forcing himself not to look at Joe.

"Can we meet him?" Pete asked. Andy's gaze shifted towards Joe, but he still didn't meet his eyes. He desperately wanted to exchange glances with his slightly more then platonic friend, in kind of a "What the fuck do we do now?" moment. If Andy were looking at Joe, he would have seen that his eyebrows were raised as he looked quizzically at him.

The fuck is he doing? Joe thought. He wasn't even looking at him. He knew he why, kind of, Andy didn't want to make their relationship obvious, but it hurt that he didn't want to even look at Joe. He was flattered, though, that Andy thought that he couldn't control himself if he looked Joe in the eye.

"I-uh," Andy started. "I don't know, maybe later." Pete raised an eyebrow.

"Okay then," he sighed. He wasn't entirely convinced  that this guy actually existed, but he let it slide. What reason did Andy have to lie?

"So, what's up with you, Pat?" He said, changing the subject. Patrick looked up from what seemed to be him studying his sandwich very intensely.

"Oh, I don't know. Coming out to teachers, the usual," he explained. Pete nodded.

"I'm sure you've noticed, but... people have been saying some not nice things about you," Pete pointed out, and it was more for Joe and Andy's benefit. Joe furrowed his eyebrows and Andy snapped out of his arbitrary rule that he had given himself and looked at Joe.

God, he would never get over the colour of his eyes. They were fucking gorgeous, they looked like gemstones. Maybe aquamarines. And his hair, fuck, his hair - it was the softest thing Andy had ever touched, and even looking at it made him instinctively start to reach his hand out to run his fingers through it, but he quickly realized that NO wasn't the time. His lip was playfully tugged between his teeth, and his expression was concerned as Pete's words sank in. He wished he could lean forward and kiss him, steal that lip from between his teeth and catch it in his own.

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