19: science fact: Pete Wentz is not a girl

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Pete was actually the first of the two to get through Mikey's door, because of one reason and one reason only:

Mikey had him pinned against the door, their lips attached as he unlocked it. It was a bit of surprise to Pete when he felt the door her was leaning on open, but he regained his balance in time for Mikey to change his target and aimed his onslaught of kisses to his neck.

He could feel the scruff of Pete's light stubble against his chin as they kissed, and Mikey would be lying if he said he thought it was uncomfortable. It's not a thing one would expect to actually enjoy, but despite the itch it gave, Mikey didn't mind it at all. It reminded him of the thrill of kissing a dude, and Pete of all dudes. Pete, whose smile could brighten up a room. Pete, who made stupid jokes but somehow still got Mikey's stomach to do somersaults as he laughed at himself. It made him stand out from all the other people Mikey had kissed, and when you were in a band that was touring the world at almost all times, you got to kiss a lot of people.

Most of them were hungry fangirls, mind you, and Mikey rarely had any intention other than to make the fans happy. Those moments were dull in exhilaration compared to now. Pete was tilting his head, giving Mikey easier access, and breathing hard. He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

Suddenly, as Mikey pulled away from a spot he had been focussing on, admiring the mark he had made, Pete realized something.

"You weren't planning to, uh..." He trailed off, unable to think of a way to say what was on his mind.


I mean, like, uh... You weren't planning on us... going that far, were you?" Mikey's eyebrows furrowed.

"No, I don't think so. Why, were you?"

"No, I just - I don't know, I guess I just realized I really don't think I'm ready. I mean, I would be lying if I pretended it's just now that I've thought about sex. But thinking about it and, like, considering it is a whole different story from when you've got a dude giving you a hickey and you're kind of really into it but don't want it to go further." Mikey nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, of course. I mean, I wasn't really planning anything, I guess I kind of thought that maybe this would lead to us having sex, but I mean, it all depended on your reaction. Like, if I was feeling you up or something and then suddenly you were like 'nope', I mean, I doubt we would be having sex."

"That's an interesting way to look at it," Pete observed. "I don't know, I guess I just kind of think of things and I focus on myself. Is that weird? That's weird, isn't it."

"Nah, I don't think it's weird," Mikey hummed, running his fingers through Pete's hair. Pete looked up at him.

"Can we keep kissing? That was fun," he confessed. Mikey grinned and reattached their lips. This time, Pete felt the security of knowing that Mikey wouldn't do anything more than this. It felt like the hugs his mom gave him when he had a nightmare when he was a kid, comforting but not holding him back.

Mikey's tongue ran over Pete's bottom lip, making Pete shiver. They heard something like a door closing and pulled apart to look up.

"It was probably just a neighbour or something, it happens sometimes," Mikey said, shrugging it off and rearranging their bodies so that Pete was on top of him and he was gripping Pete's hips. "Is this okay?" He asked. Pete nodded. He liked this, it was more intimate. It felt like they were closer, and they were, physically, but it felt better in general. Like he was Mikey's. He knew he wasn't, that he and Mikey hadn't made this anywhere near official just yet. But he liked to pretend. He leaned down and captured Mikey's lips once more, this time even more passionate. It was like this was all he needed in order to survive, like Mikey was the only thing keeping him alive, like that episode of Doctor Who where Jenny and Madame Vastra kissed in order to keep each other alive because if they breathed, the monsters would get them.

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