16: shit goes down

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Andy did have to go back to the gym, once you got used to going it wasn't all that healthy to just stop. He knew that he would have to face Gareth again, knowing that he had kind of cheated on him. They never explicitly stated that they were exclusive, so it wasn't a betrayal, right?

He decided he really needed to get up off of his ass and get to the gym. He would have plenty of time to think about the morality of the situation then.

He got on his bike and braced himself for disaster.


"Hey, Andy-man!" Gareth exclaimed once he saw Andy walk through the doors of the gym. Shit, Andy thought. He was hoping that Gareth wouldn't know when the gym was going to be open again and skip today, but alas, there he was, standing in his gym shorts and tank top.

"Hi," Andy said bleakly. He really didn't want to talk to Gareth, especially not with the way his heart was racing at the thought of Gareth finding out what he had done.

He didn't feel regretful of what he had done, but he felt sorry for Gareth. Gareth seemed really into him, and he really didn't want to let him down.

"What's up, man? You seem worried, maybe you should take it easy today," Gareth said, probably noticing whatever displeased expression was on Andy's face.

"Nah, I'm fine. Just... school's got me stressed, that's all," he lied, setting himself up at the bench press.

"Aw man," Gareth sympathized. "Well, if you want, this weekend I'm free, if you wanna, I don't know, catch a movie or something? You know, to relieve some stress." Andy really didn't want to see Gareth any more than he already needed to at the gym. He didn't want to turn down Gareth's invitation, either, because he was being really sweet and Andy didn't want him to think he was ungrateful or rude in any way.

"I'm, uh, actually busy this weekend," Andy lied again, scratching the back of his head and exposing his already sweaty armpits. He hadn't even started stretching and already he has probably sweat enough to fill an Olympic-sized pool.

"Oh," Gareth sighed, disappointed. "How about next weekend?" Damn, he was persistent. Andy had already rejected him once, and another rejection would seem mean, he figured.

"Sure," Andy agreed, already regretting the decision. He could at least make it a little less excruciating for himself, however, by asking if they could not go to a movie theatre. "I'm actually not the biggest fan of movies," he explained. Gareth furrowed his eyebrows.

"I thought you loved Star Wars?" He said questioningly.

"Me? No, Star Wars isn't really my thing," Andy countered. He knew he was digging himself an even deeper hole by lying, and he hated it. He wished he had just told Gareth he wasn't interested, but now he was leading him on. What a dick, he thought about himself.

"You're wearing a Star Wars shirt right now," Gareth pointed out, and to Andy's displeasure, there was the millennium falcon, right under the Star Wars logo.

"Oh yeah," Andy laughed awkwardly. If he didn't already, Gareth definitely knew he was lying now. "It must be my friend Joe's shirt," he offered weakly. He could see the flash of jealousy in Gareth's face, and he wanted to throw up then and there. He wasn't Gareth's, if anything, he was Joe's. Joe had seen him in his most weak moments, Joe knew parts of him that he didn't even know himself. Gareth had no right to be jealous.

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