3: angsty gender crisis

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Kelsey was walking home, mentally slapping herself for being so bitchy to her best friends in the whole world. Sure, she didn't want them "investigating" this bullshit, that was certain, but she could have told them nicely. Kelsey was usually a nice enough person, and she always tried to make an effort to be friendly. But being nice was hard for her when she was angry. She thought of how The Hulk says "you won't like me when I'm angry," and smiled at herself for thinking "I don't like me when I'm angry." She reached into her breast pocket for the second time that day, and her hand came out empty-handed for the second time that day. Remembering what had happened that morning, she swore to herself that she wouldn't do something like that again. It didn't make her feel better much, if at all.

Once she was home, Kelsey checked to see if her mom was. "Mom!" She called. No answer. She noticed her mom's phone on the kitchen table, the same place she had seen it in the morning. Reaching for it, and then backing away, she realized her phone was still in her room. Once she had successfully uncovered it, she typed in her password: 2000, the year of her birth. She opened her messages app and selected her group chat with Joe, Andy and Pete. She was still mad at Pete, and she wasn't apologizing to him, but she was too lazy to text Andy and Joe individually.

Once she tried to type out her message, though, she remembered what Pete had said, and immediately felt sick to her stomach. She loved her girlfriend more than she ever thought she could love somebody, and she refused to just stand there while someone indirectly insulted her.

Kelsey selected Joe's contact first, because it was at the top of her list, as Asshole That I Love, because Kelsey was just that affectionate. Andy was listed as Despicable Ididot, because she misspelled it the first time, and couldn't be bothered to change it. Plus, it was so much more funny that way. Pete, on the other hand, was Snowflake Fun, which she put in as soon as they had seen this really weird snow porn when Pete was over at her house.

She called Joe, or Asshole That I Love, according to her phone, and waited for said asshole to pick up. She only had to wait about two seconds, as Joe's loud voice greeted her pretty quickly.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!" Joe called so loudly that Kelsey had to hold the phone away from her so she didn't go deaf.

"Hi Joe," she sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for, like, blowing up at you earlier today. I'm kind of a dick."

"You're not a dick! It was us who were being really... Like, rude, I guess. We should have dropped it since it clearly made you uncomfortable."

"No, it was me, I shouldn't have reacted so rudely, to use your word. I don't know, I'm just kind of aggravating right now."

"You're not aggravating!"

"Sure, Jan."

"My name is Joe, not Jan, Marcia."

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

"I'm so fucking done with you!"

"Same, though."

"I'm hanging up, cause you fucking suck."

"Goodbye then. Also, you don't need to apologize to Andy, he knows."

"BYE!" And with that, Kelsey pressed the red button on her phone, thus ending the call. She breathed a sigh of relief, she was expecting that to go down a lot less well than it actually did. She checked the clock. It was 4:10. She went downstairs and grabbed a cookie from the box in the drawer that her mother thought she couldn't get to. Little did she know, with just the help of a chair and a little bit of tiptoeing, she was fully able to reach that high. Kelsey was really short, but she didn't let that bother her much, except for when she remarked on how tall Andy and Joe were. God, she wished she was like them. As masculine as she was already, they were even more masculine-looking, mainly because they were actually males, but still Kelsey wanted to be like them.

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