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Andy was going back to the gym. He was going to ask Gareth out.

It was, quite frankly, overwhelming.

First of all, there was the usual fear that came with asking people out, which was all but avoidable, plus the tension of asking a boy out for the first time, and Andy had barely gotten rid of the novelty of his newfound appreciation for the male physique, though it was hardly a surprise as he had caught himself in the midst of staring at some boys' butts, but he just kind of assumed that it was a normal, heterosexual behaviour.

And if there were anything Andy had learned that week, it was that he was far from heterosexual.

With every stroke of his leg on the pedal of his bike, he became more and more sceptical of Pete's plan. It hadn't really sank in, how unprepared he was. What was he going to say, hey, it turns out I do like dudes, wanna date?

Actually, that's not that bad of an idea. There's nothing worse than miscommunication, Andy thought to himself. And it wasn't like he had much time to think about it, as he was about to pull in to the bike rack. He dismounted his bike, scraping his shin in the process, but it was the least of his worries. He was about to ask a boy out.

Without a doubt, there Gareth was, doing his thing with the truck tires. He wasn't wearing a shirt and the drops of sweat were clear on his body. Andy willed himself not to think too much of it as he pranced over to where Gareth was.

"Hi," he started, tapping on his back. Gareth jumped and dropped the tire.

"Dude, I could have just shat myself! I mean, I didn't, but I could have!" He replied once he had calmed down, clutching his chest.

"Sorry I haven't been around-"

"Yeah, dude! I missed you! Where were you?" Gareth asked, moving his hands to rest on his hips while he caught his breath.

"I, uh- I mean, it's stupid to say now, but I got a little worked up over your question the other day. But I'm completely over it now!" Andy added.

"What question?" Gareth asked. Andy was more than a little nervous by now. Was Gareth just pulling his leg now or was he really that clueless? Andy just stared at him, hoping the information would get absorbed by osmosis or something.

And seconds later, his prayers were answered, as a knowing grin spread across his friend's face.

"Oh yeah! Sorry if that bothered you, I shouldn't have asked-"

"It's fine though! It made me think about it and I've come to the conclusion that yes, I do like boys. And I'd kind of like to go out on a date with you," Andy finished.

"Oh!" Gareth seemed shocked, and Andy had to find himself that that was to be expected. "I, uh, sure, I guess, I-"

"You know, you don't have to if you don't want to. Like, it's just an offer."

"No, no, I want to go out with you, I would have asked you out last week if I knew, I mean, if you said yes, I'm just... surprised. But yeah, I'd really like to date you if you'd like to date me," Gareth explained.

"Sweet!" Andy commented nonchalantly. "So, like, how about this Saturday or whatever, I come by your house and pick you up?"

"Uh, sure, why not? Where would we be going?" Gareth asked as Andy realized he had yet to sort that out.

"It's a surprise," he said as he winked at him and started his stretches.


"Our boy Andy's got a date," said Pete that Monday when they all came back to school.

"Oh, cool!" Stump commented. "Finally getting yourself out there, eh Andy?"

Mighty Fall {Trohley, Petekey}Where stories live. Discover now