Chapter 25 - Let's Get Our Dragons Back

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Your POV - Y/N

We reached the island and spyed on top of a snow cliff. 

"Woh look THERE ARE OUR DRAGONS", Snotlout shouted to loudly.

Suddenly Armed warriors came out they wore polar bear heads as hats and shot us with sleeping darts.

We woke up being hand cuffed and were walking towards a man caped in dragon skin.

"Wait i know him from anywhere", I said.

"Who Y/N who is it!", Snotlout said.

"Drago Bludvist".

He turned around revealing himslf.

"Oh so we meet again", Drago said pulling out his staff,"I think we will make you walk the plank into the ocean with sharks. And before you die i will let you see your dragons again."

He walked back revealing our tied up dragons being held down with chains and had a mouth band so they could not attack.

I gulped as we where being pushes towards the plank.

I tryed to struggle and bring them to a hault but there were to many of them holding the ropes.

Then in came a man he carried a sharp weapon he cut our dragons free and cut us free.

"Come", He said.

We got our dragons and we followed him.

He led us up to the shore where our boat was.

"Who are you", I said standing infront of all the others.

"Dont you worry i am here to help, I am Erret mind giving me a ride", He asked.

"Sure you can ride with me", I offered.

Soon we were up in the skies. Erret shook and was clinging on tight to me.

"Where are you taking me?", Erret asked.

"Dont worry i am taking you to Berk a land of peace and maybe we can get your own dragon some day.", I said to him.

We landed on Berk with greetings by Dad.

"Who is this you picked up", Dad said.

"This Erret and Drago is still out there he stole our dragons and actually Erret saved our and there lives", I replied.

"well thank you Erret for saving my daughter", Dad said patting him on the shoulder.

"No prob Stoick the Vast i guess i am glad to join the Berkians", Erret said smiling.

I took Erret over to the wilderness and pointed a nearby Thunderpede out.

"Hey look a thunderpede how about you go train it and that can be your dragon", I smiled,"All you have to do is give it this.. and hold out your hand looking away".

"Cool lets go try", He took the fish and walked over.

Erret's POV

I walked over to the Thunderpede and held out the fish to it.

The thunderpede turned around and happily took the fish. Like Y/N said i held out my hand waiting for the thunderpede to react.

Then i felt the warmth of the dragons breath resting on my hand. I started to pat the thunderpede until it snuggled into me and started to roll around for a tummy rub so i did give him one.

"Hey Y/N come check this out", I shouted to her.

SHe came over and petted the dragon.

"So what ya gonna call it?", She asked.

"I think i will call it , SkyStrike", I replied petting him on the tummy.

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