Chapter 18 - The Dragon Training Academy

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Your POV - Y/N

I was flying above the clouds on Toothless as he looked up at me cutely wanting some fish.

"Oh ok i know that look lets go down and get some fish then", I rolled my eyes.

He groaned then i flew him down the the ocean.

"Ready?", I said then he groaned.

I shot down not going straight in the water but going down close so Toothless could dip his legs and arms in and hopefuly grab a fish for him and me.

He luckily caught two then threw one up to me.

I just managed to catch it as it was slippery and wet.

I ate even though it was raw i had tasted raw fish before and realised it was not so bad. I patted Toothless then flew back up above the clouds as Toothless had already eaten his fish as i had.                  

There was a rumble underneath us and it was a big one. I rubbed Toothless's neck telling him not to make any sudden moves.

Then suddenly shot up a huge stormcutter with a rider.

They flew next to us.

"Oh hey mom hows it going back down on Berk?", I asked mom flying beside us.

"Thats what i have been trying to tell you Y/N we need you down on Berk", Mom said back taking of her helmet.

"Let me guess another meeting?", I rolled my eyes once again.

"Yes a meeting but a important one for the people of Berk around your age and under ma girl", She said getting back into her strong accent.

We flew down back to Berk then we walked inside.

As usual i sat on my usual seat next to Gobber.

"Oh so i heard you were late for work this morning", He said banging his hook of the table.

"Sorry i was flying i know i should have been there but i will go tomorrow or later", I whispered back to him as Dad was standing about to speak.

"Hello proud Berkians. By now i know most of us have probably got our own dragons but that is what i need to talk about today. We have some teenagers who are needing to know how to take care or even know how to train there dragons. So by here today i pronounce we are opening a dragon training academy in the training dome every Tuesday for the kids around my daughters age. Speeking of my daughter she is the best dragon carer , rider and trainer so she will be holding the academy with my wife Valka", He said.

"What!", I stood up imediatly.


Mom came and took my hand.

"It is going to be ok we are runnin it together and you will still have time to fly Toothless in the mornings to", Mom said sweetly.

I sighed then beckoned Toothless to follow as we started tomorrow at 3.00 pm.

Toothless x Reader - One best Friend #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now