Chapter 35 - You Did This!

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Your POV - Y/N

"What do you have to tell us?", Mom said sweetly.

"I would rather tell you some where else", Mojo said.

"Well we will go back to Berk", I agreed.

"Perfect", Dad said.

"You can ride up with me on Cloudjumper as he can fit an island full of people on him", Mom joked.

Mojo struggled to keep balance on the dragon as he held onto Mom really tight. 

"I thought we killed dragons?", Mojo said.

"Well i trained this night fury and he saved everyones lives so yeah now everyone has dragons of there own", I answered him.

"So whats his name?", Mojo pointed at my dragon in the air.

"Toothless , i named him that because he is toothless but he attract his teeth in and out", I explained.

"We are here!", Dad shouted and we pciked up speed racing down to the cottages. 

We landed then we all walked into the empty grand hall , well almost empty. We sat down at the table i always sat at the meetings.

"I got my axe and i got my base and i love my wife wee an ugly face", Gobber sang coming inside and sitting next to me,"Got your news Stoick , so lets get to it".

"Right this is hard to tell", Mojo went on.

"Right so if you wont tell us i want to go back to finding the person who did this!", I pointed to the stitches where the wound as he was killed where,"Well i mean who brought him to life and who killed him!".

"Wait!", He cried," I was the one who brought him to life as i have studied wizardry and all i had to do was sprinkle some dust then liht it up then poof done, and now i have gotten weaker".

"When did you have strength?", Dad asked.

"When i killed that dragon", He muttered.

"What!", We all shouted.

"You did this", I pointed at the stitches.

"I already knew you trained dragons but yeah i found out it was my daughter's daughter's dragon i put the strength i got from the dragon back in and i got weaker", He explained.

"I cant bare to look at you!", I walked out the room with Toothless.

We walked out of the grand hall and slammed the door. Tears ran down my cheek as i thought that i liked him. I over heard Dad saying,"Well for now you can live with us!".

"Well not with me", I muttered. 

I got on Toothless.

"Come on bud , we are going away from Berk", I said,"Lets go".

Toothless x Reader - One best Friend #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now