~~~*You're Beautiful*~~~

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Embry's POV

My friends Jack,Drake,Austin and I walked down the hall lousily to the gym getting told numerous times to be quiet by the passing teachers. We always got in trouble being bad boys in all,but sadly I'm not bad boy material they call me laidback. My friends keep me in their group because of my pretty face and because I'm a jock. Everyone expects me to go out with the head cheerleader,Megan Moning but I have my eyes on someone else for a while now. We took our seats on the tan bleachers below the cheerleaders;I don't know why I sat there anyways but when your in a group you gotta follow them.

"So Embry how was your summer?" Megan asked me popping her gum in my ear,pulling away from her trying to hide my disgusted expression from my face I mumbled fine and looked around trying to find her. Feeling Megan lay off me and move on to Austin which he highly took over even though he has a girlfriend,who was sitting right next to him.She didn't seem to care so she looked ahead to listen to the gym teacher.

The gym door opened and clanked shut,everyone turned an watched mostly glared at a thick girl as she walked in. I looked at Annie with adoration as she blushed with embarrassment when she realized everyone was glaring at her.she walked to the teacher giving her a paper that excused her tardyness. Than she turned and made her way up the bleachers tripping when someone decided to trip her, everyone laughed and threw paper at her.She quickly caught herself; becoming even more red and sat below me on the front row.I watched her the entire time only when she squirmed in her seat I looked away as if she knew she was being watched and it made her uncomfortable.

When the bell rung,she sprung up and almost ran out of the gym.People didn't seem to notice or care I almost made it out to go follow her but Drake caught me by the elbow.

"Man your going the wrong way" He said with a laugh and dragged me back towards the others who were surrounded by the cheerleaders.

I looked over my shoulder to see Annie peeking in through the doors small sqaure glass window at me.Once she saw me staring at her face turned red again and disappeared from my sight.

Shaking my head,chuckling I swung my arm back and punched Jack's arm playfully smirking.

"What the fuck man?" Jack said sounding amused as he tried to punch me back but I kept on ducking his blows after a few minutes he gave up chuckling."You're to damn fast." He said smiling at me; I bowed at his comment knowing that I was and got pushed by all three of them for me being cocky. Walking out of the gym we parted and I went to my second class which was earth science.

Looking around the classroom for a seat I spotted Annie in the back of the room looking away from me.My stomach clenched up tight feeling like butterflies were flying in it as I walked to the back row taking an empty seat next to her.My eyes roamed her body once I was seated and I almost groaned when her breasts pressed up against the desk.

"Hey Embry how come you seatin all the way in the back?"Megan called out from in front of the room.

Thats when I groaned out loud.A negative to this classroom was that Megan was in it,obviously Annie was the positive which I happily liked. Not answering Megan I listened to the teacher talk on and on about what this class was about.Than he got to the important part.

"Now!" He said with a clap of his hands and a smile on his face. "Why don't we get everyone to stand up and tell me their names and what they do for a living."

Everyone stood up and since Megan was in the first row she started.

"Well my name is Megan Moning.I'm a head cheerleader,I'm popular,and I love to dance." She said cheerfully as every boy in the class rooted for her but me.

Annie went second since nobody wanted to go which was bold of her. hmm I like bold.

"Um..My name is Annie Moppings...I-I'm a singer, I play guitar and my dad is right here our teacher." Annie choked out, her face red and when she mentioned her dad he smiled at her warmingly.

"Hm I guess that's where she gets her looks from."I heard Megan say and turned to see her laughing.The teacher heard her too,and he sent her to the principle's office probably not tolerating it this year.

"Now mister...Embry Parker tell us about yourself son."Mr.Moppings said grinning.

"My name is Embry,Em for short. I play football,I can sing and I also play guitar."I said while sliding a glance at Annie catching her gwaking at me which made me grin widely at her."An I like girl's that can sing and play instruments and that are good looking but they just don't know that they are." I finished off all the while staring at Annie not breaking eye contact with her until the teacher cleared his throat.

"Well."He said with a raise of his eyebrows."Now that everybody knows each other quite well everyone pair up with the person next to you on your right."

Yes! todays my lucky day! I thought. Being paired up with Annie was going to be the best thing since sliced bread. I turned around to speak to her when she wasn't at her desk. It was empty, looking up I saw her walk out of the classroom heading towards the bathrooms.Standing up I asked the teacher for a pass to the bathroom and after he gave me it I went and followed Annie.

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