chapter nineteen

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Annie’s POV

I felt myself regaining consciousness again when I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to face the world today knowing what happened last night. My father came in my room observing me to make sure I was okay.

“Hey Kiddo…you can stay home if you want.” My father suggested and I sighed hating his tone of voice.

“Dad please don’t feel sympathy for me I just want to be alone.” I whispered tears slowly dripping out from my eyes. The door closed, my father’s footsteps echoed up the stairs as he made his way down them and out the door.

When the door closed I got up an turned on my radio to my favorite station than went to go get dressed for school. I was brushing my teeth when a song stopped and a guy spoke into the radio.

“Okay ladies and gentlemen we have the next caller on the line, his name is Embry Parker an he has a radio message for a special lady named Annie Moppings.”said the announcer, I stopped brushing my teeth when I heard his name.

“Annie please just listen to me for one second…I didn’t mean to hurt you…”Embry said quickly than sighed. “This can be more expressed with a song.” He murmured than cleared his throat and started singing as the music came on.

“This is a radio message,to my baby and I'm begging her,come back,come back,come back I’m sorry that i made you cry I’m sorry for the rest of my life and I’m sorry that i hurt you girl, I’m sorry for lying to you and I’m lost without you….” He continued singing but I turned the radio off after that verse.

I’m sorry Embry there’s no more Us anymore. I thought shaking my head an crying silently.

The door bell rang and I stood up wiping my eyes on my sleeves. Who is at my door? The door bell rang again so I went downstairs and opened the door than gasped when that person grabbed me an pulled me against him.

“Annie-boo.” The guy said hugging me tighter to him, pushing him off of me I kicked my leg out swiping it under his making him fall back than I jabbed my elbow into his throat. “Who the hell are you and how do you know my na-.” I cut off when I recognized the young man who was under me staring at me wide-eyed.

“Julian?” I asked feeling confused, I moved my elbow from off of his throat and helped him up when I was standing. “What are you doing here? You look so different!” I shouted excitingly smiling hugely at the tan boy in front of me.

Julian chuckled smiling back, “Yeah I know I’m hot.” He replied and I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm. “Ow!” He winced and I hugged him when he hugged me back. “I missed you Annie when my mom said that you moved just one state down I had to come visit you.” He explained.

“Now we live down here, we wanted to be closer to your family.” He continued and I smirked pulling back to look up at him. Gosh he grew so tall, and he’s even hotter than I remembered.” So you gonna let me in it, Annie-boo?” Julian asked chuckling, his voice so deep an husky.

“Uh..sure but I was going to school.” I replied walking inside my house hearing Julian behind me. “Hm! Same furniture as always.” He murmured looking around and I laughed softly feeling better than I was earlier.

Julian was smiling at me as he sat down his eyes roaming over my body. “You look nothing like you did in your old pictures.” Julian complimented smiling as his eyes reached my face. “Gee thanks my bo- ex boyfriend kinda helped me out with exercising.” I grumbled sitting next to him.

“Oh…why ex?” He asked and I sighed my whole body slumping my sadness returning. He placed his hand on my shoulder frowning too.” I’m sorry Annie-boo you don’t have to answer my question.” Julian spoke softly and I sighed again a small smile on my face.

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