Chapter thirty-one [LAST CHAPTER]

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So guys it is true this time. this is the last chapter to this story :) hope you guys had a blast with this story.

Graduation day!

Forget about the days
when it's been cloudy,
but don't forget your
hours in the sun. 
Forget about the times
you've been defeated, 
but don't forget 
the victories you've won.
Forget about mistakes 
that you can't change now,
but don't forget the lessons
that you've learned.
Forget about misfortunes
you've encountered, 
but don't forget the times 
your luck has turned. 
Forget about the days 
when you've been lonely, 
but don't forget the friendly 
smiles you've seen. 
Forget about plans 
that didn't seem 
to work out right,
but don't forget to always
have a dream.

By Amanda Bradley


Annie's POV

   This was it. I thought staring at the mirror in front of me at myself wearing the graduation gown. 

The music started to play by the school band and all the seniors got in line ordered by last name so Megan and Julian sunk their way back to me, Megan standing in front of me and Julian in the back of me smiling. We all started walking to the stage and got blinded by the many flashes of cameras going off especially my parent's cameras.

"Now I would like to call up our class valedictorians, Annie and Julian." The principal announced proudly and everyone clapped and cheered as Julian and I stood up making our way hand in hand to the podium. 

"Our time here is to a close. From the first time we stepped into this high school back in our freshman year to senior year. It is an honour to be your valedictorian with Annie of course." Julian added and everyone chuckled, a smile lit up my face as I watched him. "Let's not forget about the good and bad times we had because when we are older, like our parents no offense." He said with a chuckle. " Than we'd laugh on how immature and stupid we acted back then when we were young. Of course I'd be married to Annie at that time." Julian continued on and I poked his side and he smiled at me, giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Annie Moppings everyone!" Julian announced and strut back to his seat getting engulfed in a boy hug by his friends.

"This year was important to me, and to everyone else I do believe, because this year was all we had left to succedd and get into the right college that we wanted to go to. This year had some downfalls...and some good turns and twists, yes we had heartbreakage and hooking up togethers, but that's just how we grow up and develope into adults." I spoke and some girls cheered at my speech.

"Yes, this year was way harder than the last three years. Teachers getting us ready for college and parents helping us get into college is a lot of stress but with a love for each other boyfriend,girlfriend,friend, and enemy. We all come together as one to leave this school and to start our lives as a free person. Our teachers and principals taught us so much that I'm surprised we didn't have a migraine through all of it." I joked and a few people laughed.

"The senior class is very proud of our teacher and principals even if they don't show it they appreciate you all and thank you for picking Julian and I as class valedictorians." I finished off, walking back to my seat next to Julian,Megan,Drake,Jack,Rebecca,and Austin.

The principal gave us the signal for us to stand up and bow as he announced the senior class of 2011 and we all threw our caps up in the air hearing tons of cameras go off as some couples kissed and friends hugged crying clinging to each other. Julian was being squashed by his friends so I went over to Megan and Rebecca hugging them tightly.

"Oh my effing gosh that was the best speech ever!!" They screamed together hugging me back and I laughed clinging to them tightly. 

"Thank you, I'm happy school is done for us." I exclaimed to them, nodding their heads. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I laughed turning around to come face to face with Julian. We smiled at each other and hugged whispering I love you's into each others ears.


Megan's POV

A few months later Austin and I were living together, happy and in love with our beautiful baby boy A.J. He had Austin's eyes and my hair and also my ears and nose but Austin's strong chin and eyebrows and lips.

A month after the graduation we had our wedding and everyone came even the principal's and teachers came along with Embry and Nicole. There was some tension going on, but at the reception everybody cooled down and forgave each other Annie and Nicole became acquaintances instead of friends and Annie forgave Embry, but wasn't really friends with him.

When two years passed after our wedding we heard from people that Embry and Nicole hooked up and that Annie and Julian were getting married. "About damn time!!" Austin said as we walked into Annie and Julian's house smiling as they greeted us with hugs.

"Hey!! Long time no see." Annie said than gasped as she saw our baby. "Oh and you brought A.J. oh my gosh he looks just like you two." She flustered and I snickered at her expression.

"Yeah it's called genetics." Austin murmured sarcastically and got smacked in the head by yours truly.

"Come on bro the game is about to start." Julian spoke up tugging on Austin and leading him to the living room. Annie pulled me into the kitchen, and I sat the baby beside me in his carseat. "So I heard that you and Mr.Charming are getting married." I said, looking at her with a smirk on my lips and one of my eyebrows raised up.

She laughed and nodded her head, placing cookies on the table. "Yes you are right, we are getting married and I would like you to be maid of honor since my mom is going to be matron of honor." She said with a fancy accent making me laugh loudly and being shushed by the boys.

We both rolled our eyes at the same time giggling quietly together than the doorbell rang. "Hmm I wonder who that could be." I mused on playfully and Annie laughed getting up to go answer the door.

Shouts were heard from the front of the door as Drake,Rebecca,Embry,Nicole, and Jack came in the house acting foolish. Annie was laughing and the boys were shouting telling them to shut the f*ck up. A.J. whimpered in his sleep and I picked him up craddling him in my arms.

Now everybody was here even all of our parents and we had a blast.



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