Chapter five

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Annie's POV

 Walking into Mrs.Cheung's class all cheery and happy was the best thing I have ever felt as I smiled at everyone getting weird looks from the students who don't know me.When Mrs.Cheung handed us back our sketches I went ahead and colored it in,and right when I was almost done there was a knock at the classroom door and Mrs.Cheung got up to go open it I saw my best friend standing there with a lollipop in her mouth. She handed Mrs.Cheung a paper and walked right in sitting down next to me smiling

"Why are you here?" I asked her as she took her schedule back and tucked it in her jeans pocket. Taking the lollipop out of her mouth and twirling it in her hand she shrugged. "I got my schedule changed no big deal." Shaking my head I bumped my shoulder into hers and she bumped mine back giggling.

"Ladies." Mrs.Cheung called out in a warning voice which made us smile at each other and when Nicole got her blank sheet of paper she drew stick figures. One thing you should know about Nicole she can't draw for crap.

"What is that,that not no drawing draw better.You need lessons on drawing that is not drawing at all! that pre school." Mrs.Cheung shouted, upset her chinese accent grew stronger and she said some other stuff in chinese that everybody couldn't understand so she snatched the paper from Nicole and threw it in the garbage.

Turning to Nicole, Her face was shocked her mouth hanging wide open her wide blue eyes staring at Mrs.Cheung like her skin just turned green and she sprouted horns on her head."Why the fuck did I come here?" Nicole said a little too loud and the teacher glared at her.

"What did you just say young lady?" Mrs.Cheung said and I jumped in before everything could get worse." I told her to say that Mrs.Cheung I'm sorry." I said looking down when Nicole looked at me like I was insane but if her parents saw that she got detention they would throw her out of their house until she got better grades in school.

"Detention tomorrow after school." Mrs.Cheung barked at me and I cringed a little feeling horrible when some people laughed and commented."Better bring a snack oh no make that a whole course meal." and "She wouldn't last a minute in there if she couldn't get anything to eat she might eat the paint."

Feeling so close to crying I scooted my chair back and walked out of the classroom the bell ringing just a secondafter I walked out, behind me hearing Nicole defend me when I couldn't do it. Being fat is torture no one likes you in the school because your overweight or different. Sighing I walked home not in the mood to drive home. Well I better walk off some of this weight now for starters.

Footsteps ran towards me and I turned to see Embry slowing down into a walk beside me smiling."So I heard you got detention." He said and I nodded biting my lip and blushing he just nodded back grinning and we walked in silence going our separate ways when we were on our streets.

By now I was sweating when I got home I went straight to the kitchen and ate something. when I realized what I was doing I started crying feeling so disgusted with myself as I spit the food out of my mouth and threw the cake and cookies in the grabage crying harder.I'm disgusting I'm so ugly and fat!. This made me cry harder and throw some other junk food in the garbage.

I hate myself I'm not beautiful far from it. Crying I crawled my way upstairs and into my bed not wanting dinner tonight feeling like the whole world only judged on how you look on the outside than the inside.

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