Chapter twelve

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Embry's POV

"Embry I think we should..."Annie paused taking a deep breath than continued."take a break for a while." I stared at her as tears leaked from my eyes and my throat tightened up making my breathing come harder.

"No please Annie please I can't without you please!!"I almost shouted at her as I begged her to take what she said back she just went back into her room closing her door in my face. "ANNIE YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!ANNIE!!!" I shouted banging on her door with both my fists getting more upset tears streaming down my face as I sobbed hard and Mr.Moppings had to come out and tell me to go home.

Running fast,out of her house I screamed out into the night than punched the hood of my car leaving a dent there before getting in my car and speeding off fast.Breathing harder as I came up too fast to a red light I stomped on the brakes before I pasted the white line.

I reached for my inhaler in the glove department and pumped the medicine in my mouth trying to calm down.Tears still blurring my vision as I drove home.When I went up into my room,my phone beeped an I took it out seeing texts from Megan hearing about the break up.

Frustrated even more I threw my phone out of my window and laid there on my bed in complete darkness not wanting to get up for school to face the heart break.So,I stayed home wallowing in my own sadness.

Jack's POV

Looking around,at Drake and Austin they shrugged knowing that I was looking for Embry.Megan told us about the break up.Embry probably realized that she was fat and disgusting so he dumped her.I was surprised just like everyone in the school.

Just yesterday,they were inseparable now they break up.Maybe Embry did her than broke up with her after.Chuckling,at this I put out my cigarette going back into the school.I told Em that she wasn't good for him and that he should check out Megan but he refused instantly only having eyes for that fat pig of a girl.

Anyhow the prom is two weeks from now,so it won't be long 'till Meagan forces Embry to go with her.The teacher called on me and I answered a question for the first time and got it correct yeah I'm in a good mood haha.

Annie's POV

I stayed away from Embry for three days and in those three days I was working out toning my body down at a different gym and seeing the results as I got skinnier going on diets and eating right I was than two weeks later all muscle and no fat on me.

I was proud of myself for doing this on my own and all the time I was at the gym I thought of my first time at a different gym with a certain someone.Which made me work out harder and harder burning off more fat.

Soon when Monday hit I was a new woman,I threw away my old clothes and brought new ones for my new body.Going to school was like the first day of high school again for me,I told Nicole about me working out and she came over to pick me up and when she saw me she nearly passed out.

We was laughing and joking on the way to school on how everybody would look at me shocked when they saw the new me so when we got there I headed to gym and Nicole to breakfast.

Taking a deep breath I entered the gym late just as the teacher called my name."Annie Moppings!"

"Here!"I shouted walking towards the bleachers as I gave her my pass and turned to see everybody looking shocked and amazed.They probably thought I had surgery based on how the way they was looking at me.

My eyes strayed to Embry when I spotted him sitting beside his friends,His eyes widened when he looked at me an I blushed sitting on the first row not bothering to speak to him remembering what happened.

Megan's POV

Ugh that fat chick probably got surgery done but Embry told me she worked all of it out.I mean really she's freaking gorgeous now and all the boys is drooling over her.I hate to admit it but she does look good now.New style in clothing,highlights in her hair, and Makeup!! I was going to die now.

She's a freaking goddess making me look like two years past fashion.Remembering her breakup I started to play a little game.

"Oh Embry,of course I'd love to go to the prom with you this Saturday."I said loud enough for everyone to hear I smiled at Embry as he turned to look at my like I was crazy.Annie turned around to look at Embry hurt while I gave her a smug smile.Yeah he's mine now so back off bitch.

Embry was lost in his words when the bell rang and I saw Annie run out and just when Embry was about to run after her I yanked him back by his shirt whispering into his ear harshly.

"If you dare go after her I swear she'll be getting jumped.You will take me to the prom as your date and no funny business."I demanded and he nodded stiffly than I pushed him forward dismissing him walking with my friends outside not worrying about class.

Sometimes it hurts being me.Hah! I love it!!


Ugh! don't  you guys just hate her!!!! anyways give me your feedback and you'll see what happens next hahah

 Oh the picture on the right is how Annie looks now that she is skinny :D

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