Chaper six

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Nicole's POV

Annie was down in the dumps all day today. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she just pulled her hood over her head more and didn't say a thing. I was seriously gonna murder whoever did this to her,I bet it was Megan that whore! A stupid whore at that.Ugh! I despise her ass.

Storming out of art when it was over I went straight to Embry to see him walking this way so I stopped him at his locker. "Hey do you know why Annie's upset?" I asked him my voice hard and angry. He shrugged in response getting out a notepad and a pencil case."She hasn't been talking to me all day either." He said in his husky voice and I sighed in frustration.

"Great now my best friend is upset and the only two people that care about her doesn't even know why." I said leaning against the locker behind me as Embry studied me with suspicious eyes."How do you know that I care about her?" He asked me and I snorted. "Don't give me that look every time I see you two together I know that you like her it's in your eyes.You might be good at hiding it from everybody else but I can see it." I explained and when he was about to say something I cut him off.

"Look I won't tell her anything,I just want to know what's wrong with her."I continued explaining huffing at the end feeling helpless. Than something crossed my mind. "Where are you going?" I asked Embry looking at his hands as they held the notepad and pencil case seeing him smile."To art." He replied."For what?" I asked and he turned walking away "For my detention you didn't think I would just let her sit there alone and be bored right? nah well see ya.Oh Nicole throw me that gray bag."

I looked on the floor and grabbed the bag throwing it to him as he catched it than winked and went into the art class.He really likes her.He made himself get detention in art just so he could be with her.


Annie's POV

As I sat in detention,starving I drew foods that I liked getting more hungrier just thinking about it.Than there was footsteps walking in and sitting beside me was Embry,surprised I double checked to see if I was hallucinating or something and sure enough I wasn't he was here smiling at me and pulling out Chinese food from his gray bag.Blushing,as he put my favorite dish on my desk I shook my head and pushed it back to him.

"What are you doing here?"I asked him looking at the food come into his mouth as he chewed on the sesame chicken.Licking my lips when I saw his own tongue dart across his lips.

"I'm here because I got detention yesterday and have it today."He replied winking at me giving me my food back and I took it opening it wolfing it down unable to resist it anymore.Than realizing that I made a complete mess I blushed and teared up."I'm so sorry."I said my voice thick with tears.Embry just shook his head and cleaned up my mess."Don't be it was cute seeing you wolf it down whether than take small bites out of it and plus I didn't want you to starve while you was in here so I brung Chinese food for the both of us and one for Mrs.Cheung."He explained as he handed our teacher her food.She smiled at him and took our papers with her food to her desk.

"So you got detention on purpose just for me?" I asked him looking up at him as he wiped my mouth his eyes full of adoration for me.Embry nodded and smiled putting the food containers and napkins in the garbage than gave me a canned soda."Also to see how you was doing.You was upset all day and I was worried about you." He said downing his soda in under 5 minutes when I already finished mine and in response I burped loud in his face.

My face kicked up two notch's of red when I stopped burping.Embry took a deep breath than boomed out laughter so loud it scared both me and Mrs.Cheung and I think the janitor who walked by and slipped on the floor where he was mopping at.I looked at Embry like he was crazy as tears streamed down his eyes."Oh shit! that was the best burp I have ever heard from a girl in like ever." He said still laughing his ass off,and I giggled relaxing when he hugged me trying to calm down and Mrs.Cheung said we could go home now.

Both of us getting up we made our way down the hall swinging our arms back in forth,than I felt Embry take my hand and looking up at him in surprise I saw him smiling down at me."I'll take you home." I nodded grinning following him to his car.

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