Chapter three

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Embry's POV

Walking to school I was already late. Now I'm never going to make it in time for gym and to see Annie in those shorts. Groaning I shuffled faster through the wet grass. Cars drove by as they rushed to their jobs than it started to rain.

"Great." I grumbled stomping now getting more pissed when I heard a honk and I turned around to see Annie driving up next to me and stopping beside me. I'm telling you when I see this girl my nerves just go haywire.

"Get in." She told me through the opened window. Following her order I got in putting my wet book bag down on the car mat, putting on my seat belt and relaxing into the seat when we arrived to the school.

"Good morning." She said cheerfully,smiling out at the road. "Morning Annie. So I guess your late to huh?" I asked a little nervously. She nodded and giggled. "You know I have never been late before so this is my first time and honestly I don't know what to do." 

Smiling at her innocence I leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "All you have to do is follow me and you'll be fine."

Seeing her shiver made me smile even bigger than she blurted out. "I'm a virgin and I'm staying like that until I get married." I knew she didn't mean to blurt it out because her face showed pure embarrassment. Putting, my hand on her arm looking at her face and saying "It's okay to say it I'm happy that your a virgin and that you don't throw your pretty little self at all these guys that just want to get in your pants than throw you away like your nothing."

"Why do you care about me so much Embry you don't even know me." She said her voice stronger and harder now.

"I know enough. I know that your beautiful and your funny and your a nice girl. I know that any guy would be so lucky to be with you if they didn't care so damn much about the looks."

"An you know what I'm glad that they do care about the looks because your single and still so innocent waiting on the right guy to come to you and shower you with the right love that you deserve." I continued suppressing the hint of rage in me. She looked shocked at what I was said than hurt. Parking roughly in a parking space she got out slammed the door and stomped into the school angry.

"Fuck what did I say?"I asked to myself, getting out of her car and running into the school to find her but not seeing her anywhere in sight.

 Annie's POV

Hiding in the staircases I heard Embry's words in my head. I'm glad that they do care about the looks because your single and still so innocent waiting on the right guy to come to you and shower you with the right love that you deserve. What did he mean?

I'm so confused I don't know what to do.Standing up from the step I called my mom and told her about it.

"Hmmm well it might seem that he likes you but from what I've heard about him just be careful he might be tricking you or playing you." My mom said thoughfully.

"Okay thanks mom." I said into the phone smiling so glad to hear from her. "Your welcome baby now off to class before I call your father to come get you." Her voice threatening to do just that and I laughed but knowing she was serious I said bye and hung up the phone heading to earth science.When someone pushed me into the lockers.

 Megan's POV

 Annie was walking from the staircase smiling, I walked out of my hiding place and pushed her into the lockers.She stumbled and fell into one denting it. Pain crossed her face and I laughed.

"Hello, fat Annie.We need to talk." I said and grabbed her by her dress pulling her up and slamming her into the locker that was already dented. .

"Now you listen here I want you to stay away from Embry he's mine,I don't know why he's interested in you but stay away. Once he's mine no one's gonna take him away from me got it?" I yelled in her ear slamming her one more time into the locker than walked off to earth science.

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