Chapter twenty-four

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Nicole's POV

Nicole's POV

Now I have no one to love me, Jack won't even talk to me anymore because of the incident with Embry now all I have is Embry to talk to and he barely passes words to me. My own parents won't even talk to me when they heard what happened through Annie's parents, I feel more ashamed than ever.

Every ounce of happiness I had was gone,replaced with digust,more digust and sadness.Whispers, filled the hallway as I walked down heading to the cafeteria for lunch. With a smile on my face I headed towards the table where Annie and Julian was at trying to appear forgivable. Annie looked up from staring into Julian's eyes just when I appeared behind him,her eyes turned from soft to hard in a quick second.

"What the hell do you want?" Annie spat at me,glaring her ass off. "I-I.." I stuttered feeling all eyes on my back as I stood there a frightened look on my face as my once best friend sat there glaring at me. "I came to ask for your forgiveness." I quickly said sweat building up under my armpits. "You got the heck of a ner-." Julian began to say but got cut off when Annie stood up,walking around to stand in front of me.

" really do have the heck of a nerve to ask for my forgiveness when you fucked up, causing all this crap in the first place.Tell me, when were you actually going to tell me you was his fuck buddy?" Annie questioned me and waited for an answer.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "...I..." 

"Excatly. Never!!" Annie shouted suddenly at me and I stumbled back flinching from her quick outburst. "That's not true!! If you hadn't been such a innocent bitch and been good at sex with Embry than maybe you and him would still be together now!!" I shouted back, I was just so angry at her than gasped when I realized what I just said. Everyone ooh and oh shitted from what they just heard and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Before, I knew what was coming my head jerked to the side with a hard force hitting my cheek making me drop my tray. It took me a few minutes to realize that I had been slapped by Annie. My head turned to gap at her as she stood over me angry tears in her eyes, a scowl on her face her hands balled into fists like she was going to hit me again.

It seemed like the whole entire cafeteria had frozen as everyone in it stared in between us first at Annie than me. Julian got up silently and pulled Annie with him out of the cafeteria and outside to calm her down. While I just sat there on the floor stunned, no one bothered to help me up or ask me if I was okay.No one cared about me anymore.

"Oh so now y'all want to act like y'all care about Annie now,but when school started all you all did was give her digusted looks and gossip of how fat she was!!" I shouted at them than ran off tears trailing down my cheeks.

Annie's POV

"Urgh I dislike her!!" I screamed out throwing my hands up in the air when Julian tried to embrace me in a hug yet again to calm me down. "Baby chill out it's over." Julian said and I huffed at him, sitting down on a bench beside me.

"Why is it me that has to be toyed like this? why Julian?" I asked him with my head in my hands. "I don't know...but let's not worry about that right now and go back to class." He replied and I nodded taking his hand and heading to gym.


Julian served the ball to me and I hit it towards his team trying to aim for a goal but his other teammate got it and hit it over to our side. Good thing our team was good at volleyball this year, Jennifer saved the ball before it could hit the ground and Cody hit it in front making it go over the net and down to their side of the floor.

"Score for Ms.Annie's team!!" The coach shouted out and a cocky grin was on my face when Julian looked over at me.From the bleachers I could see that the guy I dispised, and the girl I dispised were sitting there just watching us play when they were in full uniform they could of played. I shrugged it off and hit the ball as it came towards me, accidentally hitting it towards Julian an he bounced it back to our team scoring two points for his team making them win.

"Julian's team win!!" The coach shouted and Julian's team erupted in cheers,laughing and jumping around. Julian walked towards me than and I rolled my eyes at him with a smirk on my face. "Doesn't mean that you're better than us." I teased him, he laughed at this grabbing my hands into his. "It so does and you know it!" He replied back his eyes sparkling with happiness as we smiled at each other.

"Annie,Julian in the locker rooms." The coach shouted and we laughed giving each other a kiss before separating from one another.

"Oh and Annie!" I heard Julian shout at me, I turned to face him my hand on the girl's locker room door.


"Thanks for passing me the ball." Julian said with a wink than walked into the boy's locker room.

Rolling my eyes, I went into the locker room to change into my clothes and met Julian back out in the gym so we could go to the mall together since school was over now.

"Where to my lady?" Julian asked as we climbed in to his car. I laughed at his goofyness and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel.

"To the future!!" I shouted playfully posing with a huge smile on my face, he laughed at me backing out of his parking space and headed to the mall as I laughed along with him all the way there.


sorry guys I didn't update in a long time and i hope you like this chapter i hope it's not too short.

oh please read my new story the bonding group. I garantee that you will like it so please check it out!!

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