Chapter thirteen

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Annie's POV

Claustrophobia took me in when Megan announced to the whole class that Embry was taking her to the dance.I couldn't stand being in the same room with him and that smug smile Megan gave me was so evil I just wanted to slap her.

When the bell rung signaling that class was over I bolted out of the gym so fast with my new balance I could move faster without anyone catching up to me so easily.Suddenly,I stopped running remembering I had two more classes to go to.Well I couldn't miss another day of school so I had to bare it and go to my next class with Embry in it.

Making my way to class I saw Megan alone in the hallway by her locker digging into it for something.A decision was made up in my mind so I walked over to her to give her a little present for my thanks.When she saw me she popped her gum and rolled her eyes than smiled a smug smile.

"So you heard that me and Embry was dating?"She said the smile still on her face.

"I know that Embry would go to hell than date you."I retorted now punched Megan right in her left eye.She stumbled back and fell cold to the floor,unconscious.

"Humph."I smiled down at the black eye that was forming on her left eye.I turned around and walked away from her and back to class, smiling.

Embry's POV

Where the hell is Annie? I thought while looking around the room I spotted Megan's friends looking lost without her not knowing what to do.Serves them right for being followers of the queen of the bitch-ville.

 Just than Annie walked in smiling,cheerful and took her seat next to me facing her dad as he spoke to class.All the while I was staring at Annie taking in her new look.She looked really good but I blew it with getting back together with the one girl I loved.

Right now,I really hate Megan,so much I wanted to punch her but I was taught never to hit a girl at least not a girl like that.Being so distracted I didn't notice when Megan came in breathing hard with a black eye and lunged at Annie taking her off guard.

Annie,stumbled back so fast and made Megan trip on her own feet. "Oh...your gonna get it bitch."Megan said her voice husky and threatening.Good thing I was there because when she lunged for her again I took a step in front of her blocking Megan from getting any closer to Annie.

"Move Embry now!"Megan ordered me but I stood my ground and held her by her shoulders apart from Annie than sat her down in her seat putting an arm around her shoulders to keep her there.A broken off choking sound came from somewhere in the room and I turned to see Annie trying to act like it wasn't coming from her.

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