Chapter Twenty two

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Julian's POV 

I was strumming my guitar as Annie was pumping the gas in her car. “Ya know, you could have did this Ms.Julian.” She said and I smirked stopping my strumming for just a second,looking at her through her open window. “FYI babes don’t you ever call me Ms. again and I’m too handsome to break a nail.” I said,rolling my eyes my voice filled with sarcascism.

“Right you just have to love a drama queen.” I heard Annie say and her side of the door opened as she climbed in her seat starting the car and putting on her seat belt. I watched her drive until the red light and she finally looked at me a ticked off look on her face, I smiled innocently an winked at her.

She snorted looking back at the road when the light turned green, turning a left turn heading to Kings Dominion. A smirk came on my face as I remembered Annie’s first experience on her first drop ride and I laughed quietly.

“Shut up!” Annie said trying to hide the smile on her face by biting her bottom lip but it wasn’t working well. The laughter burst out of my mouth once she parked and stumbled out of the door, my stomach was aching when I was done having a hysterical laughter fit.

“You okay?” Annie asked me worried, my lips twitched as I realized that she was pretending nothing happened so I wiped my mouth trying to eliminate the smile that was creeping up onto my face. “Yes I am fine.” I murmured my voice shaking slightly as the laughter was being suppressed inside me.

She nodded and stood infront of the booth getting our tickets,than looped her arm around mine and escorted us into KD. "Ya know this could be our first date, official first date if we was going out." I whispered to her smiiling sliding her arm down to take her hand in mine, she smiled at me giggling than got in an enormous line leading to a big swinging pirate ship.

"Please Julian?" Annie asked and I sighed waving my hands at her to go on in it, she grabbed me and pulled me along with her. 

"Annie you know I don't like being on these things." I reminded her my voice filled with a hostile tone. "Don't worry I got you." She replied back an wrapped her arms around my waist as the boat started to swing slowly back and forth.


Okay hold on I just want to thank all my fans and the people that read this story thank you so much for your support and I really hope you like this story and my other stories as well...It is truly a blessing that I found this website because I get to express my writing future and I'm very glad I stumbled upon Wattpad so thank you again for your help :D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

By the time we was done I was heaving up a storm in a garbage can not far away from that blasted pirate ship. "I told you never to bring me on one of those again." I groaned wiping my mouth with a baby wipe and spitting the mouth wash in the garbage bag.

"Well I had you it's not my fault you somehow managed to make the ship swing faster by your feet." She grumbled walking quickly out of the park as a policeman escorted us out of the amusement park.

"Now what are we going to do?" Annie asked me and I took her keys from her hand starting to her car. "You will see." I said getting in the car.

Annie's POV 

"Julian why are we at a country club?" I asked him as he got out and walked on the other side of the car opening my door for me. I stepped out bouncing a little on my toes,he took my cold fingers in his warm hand,walking inside the warm haystacked country club.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~there is a pic on the right that's the country club house~~~~~~

It was really nice there was twinkling lights on the cieling and a few strands of hay on the floor an people square dancing in the middle of the dance floor. They needed one more couple so I volunteered me and Julian, the music started up again and we started square dancing to the rhythm.

"So if I would ask you out right now what would you say?" Julian asked me and I shrugged wrapping my arms around his neck as we drifted off from the crowd and outside in the warm air. "I would....think anout it but I'm not sure." I answered his question as forever and for always came on.

I snuggled to Julian closer pressing my forehead to his as he spun me in a slow circle an he twirled me around and back into him,smiling. The twinkling lights making our skin glow the same color as one I laid my head against his chest as his arms tightened around my waist.

the lyrics spoke volume to me just now as I realized a whole bunch of things at this moment.

'This could be it, I think I'm in love

It's love this time

It just seems to fit, I think I'm in love

This love is mine

I can see you with me when I'm older

All my lonely night are finally over

You took the weight of the world off my

shoulders (the world just goes away)' source

My stomach clenched up as I looked up at Julian an kissed him on the lips as the song ended. "Yes...I would like to go out with you." I whispered to him smiling and he smiled kissing me back holding me close to him until the club closed.


AAAHH happy endings well this isn't the end but hehehee it's something ;) a new beginning for Annie and the worst start for Embry oooh haven't seen him in a while until the next chapter please comment if you liked it I would much appreciate your comments on this chapter

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