✙ Brody ✙

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Here is FINALLY the most requested chapter! Brody's perspective! This is my early Christmas present to all of you amazing fans - I even made this chapter a 'holiday theme'. It was hard picking a spot in the crazy timeline for this to occur, so if there are little details off or the time is, I apologize in advance! Also, I'm still wanting to add a chapter or two onto this book. Whose perspective next would you like to read from?

Happy Holidays,



* Takes place before Ethen left. *

"It's getting colder," I said, gazing out the bedroom window. I pressed my face against the freezing glass, releasing a dramatic sigh. I was aching for snow; I wanted to see a thousand snowflakes fluttering from the sky. Growing up, I had watched a lot of crimes shows with my father, even read a few easy mystery books in hope of some day joining the Scooby-Doo gang. Because of this, I remembered running around in the backyard, shouting that my parents were drug-dealers because their lawn was covered with cocaine. I also remembered the countless hits upside the head and scolds from my father when our neighbors gave us dirty looks. To this day, Katie teased me every winter about it. "You know, Christmas is coming. Just so you know, I'm expecting a puppy."

Cole tugged his shirt on. "You're not getting a puppy. Not from me."

"Seriously?" I groaned, seeing mist appearing on the window from my breathing. "It would be the cutest little thing! Come on, I'll even let you name it - actually, I take that back. If it's a boy, it'll be Raphael and if it's a girl, it'll be Briley." I turned from the window, just in time to see Cole stretching his arms behind his head while giving me a confused scowl. "Raphael from The Ninja Turtles and Briley was my mother's name. Sentimental, don't you think?"

He placed his hands on his hips. "I thought you hated your parents."

"Uh, no," I said, tilting my head. "Katie hated our parents. She was always the rebellious one." I waved my hand nonchalantly, exhaling loudly. "I'm not surprised she's not naming her baby after them."

"I'm not getting you a puppy," he responded, coolly. "Hell, I didn't even know we were giving presents this year."

"Why wouldn't we? It's Christmas," I emphasized, scowling at him. "Just because our lives are in danger because of a war against the government that we may or may not win, doesn't mean we can't celebrate the holiday. I'm expecting gifts! I'm expecting delicious cookies! Have you ever tried Katie's fudge? It's just the most amazing thing I've ever had in my life." A moan escaped my lips as my stomach growled eagerly at the thought of her fudge. "And, I'm expecting a huge, bright Christmas tree in the living room! Speaking of which, who do I need to talk to about that? One of the Volkov brothers, right? Technically, this is their - "

"Brody, I don't think anybody is in the mood to celebrate this year," he interrupted, quietly. "There's too much going on."

"We can forget about everything for a day."

"No, we can't," he argued, rolling his neck. "We're in the middle of a war."

I placed my hands on my hips. "I don't care. It's my favorite holiday and we're going to celebrate it. So, I'm going to go talk to one of the Volkov brothers about a tree." I moved towards the door and Cole lunged forward, grabbing my upper arm. My eyebrows knitted together at the soft expression on his face. He was no longer the bully, the mean one, the jerk of a Beta. "You're not stopping me from celebrating Christmas. Nothing you can say will stop me."

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