✙ Chapter 11 ✙

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I'm back from vacation! Thank you for being patient! Hope you enjoy!
~ Lissa


"I'm not helping you take her away from Caine," Ryker said, his voice hardening. After the battle at the motel, I found myself cruising in a large truck, one provided by Drew. The mate-pull was strong, strong enough that Ryker had felt my fear when I was dangling off the roof - when he first saw me, he crushed me into his chest, relieved. I was confused, considering the first night with him, he was obviously unhappy about the mate-pull or to be honest, me. Yet, he continued to fight for me and saved my life with his blood, which was disgusting. Maybe it's just the mate-pull. When I explained to him about what happened on the roof, he became angry, threatening to destroy anybody who laid a finger on me. And, when I informed him that Noah had saved my life, he was overwhelmed with jealousy and surprise. After some major convincing, we were on our way to save Nora. "You will not take her away from Caine."

"Your brother took her away from me," Drew argued, frowning. He was seated in the passenger seat, turned around to face us. Jay, his third-in-command, was driving - and he wasn't the best driver. He kept swerving into the other lane and staying over the speed limit. Another truck was trailing behind us, packed with the rest of Drew's pack members. "Your brother is up to something, Ryker. He isn't going to -"

Ryker growled. "He's trying to fix her; he doesn't wish to harm her." By the look on his face, it was obvious that he understood where the worry was coming from. "When we get there, you let me handle Caine, understood? You don't harm him, not unless you wish to die - you clearly have no idea how dangerous my brothers and I are."

"I should kill Caine."

"If you do, I'll kill you," Ryker threatened, causing me to flinch. "That is, if Caine doesn't kill you first for attempting to kill him." I nibbled on my bottom lip, looking at Ryker. He was seated next to me in the backseat, his arm resting behind me on the seat. Every once in awhile, I felt his fingers brush against my shoulder, sending sparks shooting throughout my body. I hated it when he blurted threats; it always concerned me if he was going to go through with them. "Remember, my brother's forte is compulsion; he can make you kill yourself."

Drew pinched his lips together. "And, you're forte is making people's blood boil?" Jay flinched in the driver's seat; he already suffered through it. Ryker nodded in response, glancing my direction for my reaction. Though, I remained calm, making sure there wasn't any fear evident on my face. I must've succeeded because he looked away, turning his attention back to Drew. "And, your brother Ethen - what's his forte?"

"Telekinesis," he answered, raising an eyebrow. "He likes making things move with his mind." His fingers brushed against my shoulder and I shivered, feeling the sparks. "I imagine he's heard about Nora by now; turns out, she's what everybody in the werewolf community is talking about. A werewolf hunter being the mate of an Alpha, then tragically being turned into a red-eye, the very creature she hated." Drew pursed his lips, looking down in sadness for a moment. "Not only that, but somehow, it traveled around that she's capable of magic. Like me, Ethen can sense whenever she reaches into our dark magic, meaning he knows that she's tied to one of us."

"Tied?" Drew repeated, shaking his head. "And, what does that mean with Ethen?"

"Well, think about it," Ryker started, waving his hand. "Nora was brought back to life by Caine, tying the two of them together. Now, they have a connection; they're able to sense each other's presences and feel everything the other is feeling." Drew growled, clearly unhappy about it. "Basically, their souls are stained with a mark, one that represents each other. But, this is the real kicker, though - this has never happened, meaning I don't know what this means for them. With their stained souls, I'm not sure how much they're connected."

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