✙ Chapter 25 ✙

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Amanda ripped the straps from me, her nails slicing into my skin. Despite the awaiting guard at the door, I bolted out of the chair to escape, only to have my knees unbuckle beneath me from blood loss. Dizzy, I crumbled to my hands and knees, finding myself staring at her perfectly, pointy high-heels. Vomit was crawling its way up my throat, yet I kept swallowing it down - their exhausting tests had made me sick. I breathed in deep breaths, knowing I needed to keep oxygen flowing to my brain in order to stay awake. One of her high-heels connected with my forehead and I released a yelp, falling onto my side. Black spots filled my vision and frantically, I blinked them away, flinching at the pain in my head - a headache was inevitable. I watched in frustration, listening to the blaring sirens, as her high-heels clacked against the floor, away from me.

"Grab her!" she sneered, gesturing towards me. The burly guard rushed to my side, forcefully grabbing my upper arms. He jerked me to my feet and reluctantly, dragged me out of the room, right behind Amanda. In the corridors, guards were running around and following their orders, scientists were scampering away in fear, and a few others were lingering, almost curiously. Amanda glanced over her shoulder at me and shook her head. I gritted my teeth together, wondering what in the hell she was thinking. Whatever was happening, I didn't know anything about it - maybe it was Tyler's plan that he had mentioned before.

I tried wiggling myself out of the guard's grasp, only causing him to tighten his hold. Where was Ryker? Where were his brothers? Where was anyone? Heck, where was Amanda taking me? I stared at her squared shoulders and watched her curls bounce up and down as she walked. As if she had felt my eyes staring into her, she looked over her shoulder at me, eyes narrowed. She slowed down, allowing the guard to walk beside her, holding me. "Our testing will have to be sped up - the attacks are coming sooner than we had hoped."

I frowned. "Where are you taking me?"

"We're done testing you," she explained, raising an eyebrow. "We've done enough tests on you, enough to figure out the mate-pull. And, you're human - we know pretty much everything when it comes to your body, Emma. You're of no use to us anymore." Her words cut deep into me because I knew where this was heading. "You're to be executed."

I sputtered for a moment. "But, you s-said - "

"I know," she interrupted, harshly. "But, I need to get the message across." The message was completely obvious. It was pointless fighting against them. They were willing to kill, even an innocent. They didn't feel remorseful, not when it came to science. Basically, they held all the power, despite their lack of heightened senses and incredible strength and speed. The guard tightened his grip on me as I struggled, shaking my head. Amanda exhaled loudly, turning down another corridor where people ran frantic. "I'm sorry for this, Emma - " Though, she didn't sound sorry; she didn't pity me. " - like they say, 'bad things happen to good people'."

"You can't do this!" I shouted over the sirens. "I haven't done anything wrong! I'm innocent! Stop!" I kicked my legs wildly and the guard grunted, too strong for me. Amanda simply laughed, like I had cracked a joke she found humorous. This couldn't be happening; they were going to kill me. "Ryker will slaughter you! You have no idea!"

"Like he slaughtered his village?" she countered, shaking her head. "He's a monster and by the time he finds out about your death, he'll be executed too."

Childishly, I spit in her face, watching as my bodily fluid struck her cheekbone. She gasped in surprise and disgusted, wiped it away with the sleeve of her fancy jacket. Next thing I knew, the three of us were stopping in the middle of the corridor, the guard still gripping my arms. She snatched a handful of my hair and jerked my head to one side, exposing Ryker's mark on my neck. Her eyes lingered on it for a moment, before she looked me in the eyes. "Who do you think you are? I suggest you show some respect."

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