✙ Nora ✙

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~ Nora's Perspective ~

Takes place shortly after the Volkov brothers rescued her.


"Nora, how are you feeling?" Drew asked, quietly. His voice startled me and I glanced at him, slightly trembling. His blue eyes were watching me, swarming with concern and relief - of course. The two of us were huddled in the bedroom of the cabin, the same bedroom where I had been locked up with Caine for weeks. Drew's pack, along with the others, were gathered in the crumbling living room after we had asked for some privacy. Noah was stubborn and argued, though after one warning look from me, he had stomped out of the room. Hours ago, I was 'rescued' by Caine and his brothers - quite honestly, too many thoughts were running through my head for me to decide what I wanted to say. But, when I was a red-eye, filled with a gnawing rage and inevitable hunger, I only saw one color.

Black represented grief, cruelty, and vengeance, all of which I was familiar with, but it was true, otherwise people wouldn't wear black at funerals and criminals wouldn't dress from head-to-toe in the color. Every inhale and exhale was the countdown until I found myself completely surrounded by darkness, or black, signifying the end. But, it wasn't necessarily the end - for the briefest moment, the darkness disappeared and there was light. Though, just as fast as it came, it vanished and I didn't have enough time to process what had happened.

Drew shifted on the bed and taking a deep breath, I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. "Nora, please, talk to me - tell me what's going through your head," he pleaded, gently placing a hand on my shoulder "Sweetheart. . ."

"I-I can't explain it," I stuttered, not looking at him.

He pinched his lips together. "Try, please."

"I don't think I'm okay," I whispered, honestly. I glanced at him when he froze, his eyes strained my expression. As much as I fought against it, my eyes were watering and my bottom lip was quivering. He reached forward and hesitantly, brushed a strand of hair away from my face, comfortingly. "I-I don't know what I'm feeling, Drew. Everything is overwhelming. . . it's like everything that I hadn't been feeling for all those weeks has come c-crashing down on me a-and the thoughts - it's hard to stay focused."

"You were dead for the briefest moment," he responded, shaking his head. "You basically came back to life once again, Nora. It's going to be tough and I'm here for you, always."

"I came back a monster," I told him, my bottom lip quivering. "I-I couldn't control myself."

"That's not your fault."

"Yes, it is," I argued, firmly. "I should've stayed dead."

His eyes narrowed. "Don't say that."

"You don't understand," I said, followed by a tear streaming down my cheek. Slightly embarrassed, I wiped it away and took a deep breath, knowing I needed to speak the truth. "It wasn't terrible." He tilted his head, confusion washing over him. "Being dead wasn't terrible. I mean, I-I thought I was going to Hell and I accepted that, but I didn't." My voice cracked and he placed his hand on my lower back, a pained expression on his face. "I-I was ready, Drew. I was ready."

Tears started uncontrollably streaming down my cheeks and he stared at me, slowly processing everything. "How could you be ready? When so many people were there who loved you? You were ready to leave us behind?"

"I was ready to die," I corrected, sniffling. "I-I figured it was time and I wasn't afraid. I mean, I thought I was going to see all the disappointments - of everything that I should've done or never got to do." I shook my head and wiped underneath my nose, glancing at him. "But, I didn't; instead, I saw everybody. All those that I care about. . . I know it's stupid and it only happens in movies, but my life - it flashed before my eyes, Drew. And, it haunts me; I-I don't like it. . ."

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