✙ Chapter 24 ✙

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It's been a long time, I know! Sorry for the short chapter! Didn't want to leave you guys hanging forever! :)



"You're a brave girl, Emma," Amanda said, watching as one of her scientists gently pulled the needle out of my arm. I winced, feeling the numbness at the tips of my fingers - I need Ryker. Almost an hour ago, Amanda sent guards to the room, dragging me away from an exhausted Ryker who tried fighting for me in his weakened state. Then, I was forced into a small, cramped room where scientists didn't hesitate to start taking my blood, studying my body, and running tests in annoying machines in the corner. They had examined Ryker's mark on my neck and every time one of their fingers brushed against it, chills ran down my spine. I looked down at the straps on my wrists, locking me down in the uncomfortable, reclined chair. With her high-heels clacking, she grabbed a folder from the small table, waving it in the air. "You know, I shared to you some of the others profiles, but I never shared yours with you."

I raised an eyebrow. "You think you have me all figured out?"

She flipped open the folder. "Well, lets see, shall we? Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this." She cleared her throat as the scientists shifted towards the corner of the room to the machines. "Your parents are dead, a tragic car accident that you miraculously survived, leaving you with only your brother, Ethan. You were planning on attending college next fall in hope of majoring in English. You didn't have many friends back home and you volunteered at the animal shelter on the outskirts of town."

I gulped loudly, realizing all her information was true. "Just because you know the basics, doesn't mean you have me all figured out."

"We know enough about you," she started, closing the folder, "to know that you aren't a threat to us, Emma. Though, your mate, Ryker, is the most dangerous in our facility right now with his urge to protect you. Not only that, but he's very temperamental and impulsive - like his father." My chest tightened at her words and the corners of her lips quirked upwards, almost in amusement. "Oh, has he not told you about his past? Believe me, it's quite something. His brother, Ethen, kept rambling on and on when we injected him with doses of our serum." I gritted my teeth together, struggling against the straps locking me down. "Do you want to know how violent and monstrous your mate is, Emma?"

I shook my head. "I won't believe anything you say."

"Ryker murdered his father," Amanda blurted, watching my expression. "And, he murdered his entire village; he took the lives of innocent women and children, Emma." My stomach twisted inside of me and I willed myself not to believe her words. "Did he tell you about the witch who cursed him and his brothers? How about how he ripped her to pieces? Slaughtered her entire coven? We've figured everything out about the Volkov brothers- and he has you believing he's not that terrible. He's a monster, Emma."

"No, he's not."

"Do you know why they're capable of magic?" Amanda asked, moving closer to me. "When Ryker killed the witch, her magic unleashed on those she cursed: your mate and his brothers. I heard they have everyone believing some of the witch's magic remained with them, which is a complete lie. The witch's magic was good, but became dark when it landed in their hands, Emma." I bit my bottom lip, trying so hard not to believe what I was hearing. Ryker wouldn't have lied to me and despite everything, he wasn't a complete monster. There was hope for him. "And, Nora is capable of the same magic because Caine brought her back to life. We've learned a lot more in the last twenty-four hours."

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