✙ Chapter 21 ✙

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Hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't hate me too much! I dedicate this chapter to my cousin, Brit, who has finally decided to read my books and loves them! :)

~ Lissa


My ears were ringing as I listened to the bullets zooming around me, either connecting with skin or nailing the Tahoes with a crunch! For a moment, I was frozen in shock, hearing the shouts and screams - the helicopter hovered above with its blades circling, toughening the wind. A tear slipped from my eye when Ryker shoved me behind him and snarled at an approaching man, his protective instinct taking control. I knew what Ryker was capable of; I knew of the terrible things he was capable of doing to protect me or to save his reputation. With a single glare, I watched as the man started trembling, struggling to breathe as his blood boiled. His gun slipped from his hands and in horror, I witnessed him dropping to his knees, helplessly. Then, Ryker lifted a hand and with a quick flick of his wrist, a loud snap! filled my ears.

I gulped loudly, staring at the awkward angle of the man's neck. Growls surrounded me, sending chills of warning shooting up my spine. Noah rushed past me, bumping into my shoulder, accidentally. He grabbed the man's gun from the ground and gave Ryker a silent nod. It wasn't surprising that Ryker didn't acknowledge his nod and before any words could be exchanged, Noah was hurrying away, aiming.

"Leave. My. Family. Alone!" a familiar voice shouted, before a snarl rippled from the back of their throat. I whipped my head around, seeing Ethen standing a few feet away, his face red in anger. He twisted his hand and guns flew from the hands of three men.

Then, I watched as he shifted his attention to the helicopter. The camera was pointed directly at us, catching every single thing that happened, probably appearing live on the television. The ground started to shake beneath me and to keep my balance, I grabbed onto Ryker's forearm. Ethen muttered something in a different language, before the whipping of the helicopter's blades began to slow. I heard Drew shouting from somewhere, but I was too focused on the helicopter. The men inside were panicking, clinging onto handles with all the strength they had. Ethen squinted his emerald eyes, moving a step forward.

While Ethen was distracted, Ryker watched his back, boiling the blood of those who dared to aim at his brother. Then, all of a sudden, the blades of the helicopter came to a stop, somehow making it quieter. The helicopter floated in the air for a few seconds, before Ethen shoved his hands one direction, sending it flying away. I braced myself for the explosion and when it came, I still flinched at the loud boom! Instantly, flames appeared on the destroyed helicopter and I noticed some men becoming hesitant about their duty. There were cries of pain and desperately, I tried blocking them out.

"Emma!" Ryker shouted, startling me. I turned my attention away from the helicopter, finding myself facing two men. The sound of a gun firing caused my heart to nearly leap out of my chest; I was going to be killed. I debated whether or not to close my eyes, so that the last person I saw wasn't my murderer. But, when the bullet was inches away from my abdomen, it came to a stop. My eyes widened in surprise and I looked towards Ryker, wondering if he had stopped it. But, judging by the relief on his face, he hadn't been the one. Caine stepped in front of me as the bullet dropped to the ground. Caine?

I felt the anger rolling off Caine as he glared at the men - then, something remarkable, yet terrifying happened. Slowly, the men faced each other, keeping their guns raised. I hadn't been expecting it; hell, I thought they were going to back away. Instead, I gasped when they shot each other in the head with no words or hesitation. Mind control. Caine nodded his head in approval and looked over his shoulder at me, just as Ryker rushed to my side. "This isn't her fight," he said, remorse dripping from his words. "Get her out of here."

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