✙ Chapter 5 ✙

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Thanks to x_dejavu for that amazing pic over there! -------------------->



After dinner, things passed by me in a blur.

Next thing I knew, I was flopping and turning around on the bed in the room across from Ryker's. Moonlight streamed in through the two windows, stretching across the dusty floorboards. While the bed was comfortable, I couldn't fall asleep; it was almost as if my body was ready to relax, but my mind was still running. I kicked the blankets off me and sat forward, running my fingers through my hair. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I nearly forgot that I was wearing one of Ryker's shirts, one that he had graciously provided for me. It was a dark blue, ending right above my knees. The shirt was practically a dress on me, very baggy.

I rose to my feet and scratching my forehead, started pacing. My eyes flickered towards the clock, reading that it was a little past midnight. Oh, great, I thought, realizing I didn't have anything to do until I fell asleep. I opened the nightstand drawer in search for a book, but other than a few wrappers and some pencils, there wasn't anything. You've got to be kidding me. Quietly, I stumbled over to my things and started rummaging through my bags. When my fingers connected with my iPod, I pulled it out with a sigh of relief, though when I pushed the round button, I was disappointed that it was dead. Releasing a groan, I shoved it back into the bag.

Believe it or not, but I left a lot of my things back at the house with my brother. I owned a lot of junk that wouldn't have fit in my small, battered sedan, which was crushed now. Sadly, my book collection was left behind, even though reading was one of my favorite things to do. Biting my bottom lip, I faced the door leading out into the hallway, debating whether or not to leave the bedroom. I didn't know the majority of the people here - bumping into somebody would've been extremely awkward. And, what if Ryker became angry that I started venturing throughout his place? Was that considered snooping? To Hell what he thinks.

Hesitantly, I walked to the door and opened it with a small creak! I poked my head out, relieved that the hallway was empty. Ryker's door across from me was closed with strange engravings in the wood; I spotted a howling wolf and some Indian tribe with spears. A chill shot down my spine and I stepped out into the hallway, heading towards my left. Like Ryker's bedroom, everything was dark; there weren't any calm or pastel colors. Everything was either black, red, brown, or a sparkling gold - even his ceilings were a dark grey, nearly black.

I turned down another hallway, not surprised that these walls were black. My eyes lingered on the portraits of wolves and tribes on the walls - and it was surprising when I found Ryker's name in the corner of each. Ryker Volkov. He had painted these portraits himself, which could've belonged in some art museum because they were so detailed and professional. Though, as I continued down the hallway, I noticed that all the paintings consisted of war, pain, and strife. I spotted the familiar appearance of blood in a lot of the paintings and I took a deep breath.

I didn't know how many hallways I stumbled down until I found myself in a large library. Bookshelves towered the walls, stacked with thousands of books - it was like a dream. Gaping, I moved farther into the library, seeing a gold chandelier dangling above, providing light. Candles scattered the place, giving the smell of vanilla. Straight ahead, I noticed a large desk, one with papers stacked high and books flipped open. There was a black, leather chair with him sitting in it, his feet perched up on the wooden desk. In his hands was a red book, nearly hiding his face.

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