✙ Chapter 12 ✙

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There are moments in life where everything freezes.

This was one of those moments - stepping out of the truck, I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering in the cold. My breath came out in white puffs, before quickly disappearing. Goose bumps danced on my skin and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up in warning. I watched as Drew hopped out, his eyes swarming with relief and concern. It was obvious that he wanted to see his mate, but he wasn't sure if he was going to be alright in the state she was in. Ryker walked around the truck to me, lingering at my side - every part of me wanted to reach at him for his werewolf body heat. But, I reminded myself that he didn't want to be with me; he was going to fight the mate-pull. Drew frowned at the log cabin. "This is it? You're sure?"

Ryker rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure."

"It's a cabin," I blurted, shaking my head. "Out of all places, your brother is keeping her here? I was thinking some vacant building."

"This was our home," Ryker muttered, glancing towards me. "Not our very first home, but it was one of the few - my brothers and I built this cabin with our bare hands." The corners of his lips quirked upwards as he eyed the log cabin, squinting through the dark. Then, he gestured towards a small pond about ten feet away where a bunch of flies were buzzing, annoyingly. "That was the 'Fighting Pond'. Whenever two of us were in an argument, we walked outside to the pond and brawled it out, like men."

"The good, old days," an unfamiliar voice came, startling me. I whipped my head around and squinted through the darkness, seeing a figure emerging from the shadows of the cabin. Swatting the mosquitoes away, I found myself staring at an unfamiliar guy with broad shoulders and long legs. He stood at a towering height, probably 6'6 - taller than Ryker. As he approached us, I slowly started grasping his appearance. His hair was black and chopped unevenly, falling to the tips of his eyelashes. Like Ryker, his features were sharp, especially his high cheekbones - of course, his skin was flawless. But, the one thing that attracted my attention was his eyes; the same captivating, emerald eyes as Ryker. They traveled along the group of us, before landing on Ryker next to me. "Hello, brother."

"Ethen," Ryker murmured, nodding. "I thought you were going to stay in Britain for awhile." This is his brother? I thought, raising an eyebrow. They look alike.

Ethen shrugged. "Traveling isn't my biggest concern right now."

"The girl."

"She's one of my problems," Ethen responded, taking a step forward. "But, we have another problem, one that's probably worse than her." Drew pinched his lips together and moved towards the cabin, silently. Instantly, Ethen stepped in front of him, holding up his hands in calm gesture. Drew growled, threateningly. "I wouldn't go in there - just wait for a moment, alright?" I stared at the two of them, feeling the tension in the air. Reluctantly, Drew moved backwards, glaring at Ethen, murderously. Hearing a twig snap, I looked over my shoulder, seeing the rest of Drew's gang standing behind me. Katie hurried towards Jay who slid his arm along her shoulders, protectively. Comfortingly, Laura moved towards her older brother, grabbing his large hand. Then, there were Brody and Cole who stood next to each other, their shoulders touching. With a smile, Brody waved at me, receiving a gentle smack by Cole. And, lastly, Noah was by himself, a scowl on his face as he stared at Ethen.

"What are you talking about?" Ryker asked, frowning.

"I'm not just here because of the girl," Ethen said, before he began pacing in front of us. "I actually returned to the United States a few days ago and while I was in New York, I came across something." All of us watched as he opened his leather jacket, snatching a newspaper from inside the pocket. "I'm always the one to get us out of sticky situations, brother. But, I don't know how I can with this."

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