✙ Chapter 17 ✙

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"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!"

When the werewolf launched at me, I moved out of the way, barely missing his sharp claws. I glanced around, seeing people pointing at me, frantically. Some were jumping up and down in excitement, laughing. And, Linda was standing still with her arms folded across her chest, a cocky smirk on her face. A snarl grabbed my attention and I turned my head around, seeing the black werewolf on his haunches. How the hell was I supposed to defeat a werewolf with a knife? I knew I would've had a better chance with a gun.

I was trembling, staring into its golden eyes that held no emotion. Keeping my distance, I prayed Ryker was on his way; he could've easily demolished these people. The werewolf lunged at me, his teeth aiming for my face. On instinct, I leaped out of the way, though kept the knife pointed outwards. I was shocked when the smell of burning flesh shot up my nose - I had scraped him on the side.

The crowd gasped, suddenly becoming frustrated. "Kill her! Kill her!"

The werewolf growled, sneaking a peek at his scrap. Since the knife was silver, his wound was going to take longer to heal. Anger flared in his eyes and he came charging towards me, furiously. He was too fast; his claws connected with my shoulder, causing me to scream in pain. I ripped myself away from him, still suffering through my injuries from being chased. My thigh was throbbing, along with my other shoulder, which was bleeding. If this werewolf didn't kill me, I was surely going to die by bleeding out. I limped towards the other side of the circle and desperately, tried escaping through a small gap of people. But, a man laughed and grabbed my arm, shoving me forward.

I toppled to the ground and the werewolf howled, almost as if he was laughing at me. Quickly, I stumbled back to my feet and narrowed my eyes at him - how could these people be so cruel? Having matches between werewolves and humans? I gripped the knife in my hand and when his back was turned, I ran up behind him with a cry. I stabbed one of his back legs, receiving a whine of pain. My eyes widened in shock; I actually stabbed him. He whirled around and before I was able to grasp things, he was knocking me to the ground with a shove of his head. My back smacked the ground hard and next thing I knew, he was hovering above me. No, I thought, feeling his drool falling onto my face. His teeth came down towards me and I rammed the knife forward into his shoulder blade.

One of his canines scraped against my cheek and I hissed in pain. Injured, he hopped off me and moved towards the outer of the circle. He was limping since his back leg was bleeding, slowly healing itself. The crowd started booing and screaming for him to end me already, to stop wasting time. The werewolf started pacing, his golden eyes narrowed at me. He was thinking about his next move; I was just thinking about how not to die. I looked down at the knife, seeing blood smeared on the blade. Shakily, I wiped the thick blood onto my pants and sniffled, narrowing my eyes at him. I couldn't appear frightened - they enjoyed fear. Fighting back tears, I took a step towards him, egging him to come at me.

Hating my sudden bravery, he rushed towards me, listening to the cheers of his fellow pack mates. This time, he aimed for my legs, hoping to leave me vulnerable on the ground. But, I was cautious and managed to jump out of the way, missing his teeth by inches. My thigh screamed when I landed, putting my entire weight on the leg. My eyes burned and I forced myself to move forward, swinging the knife. I sliced his back, but it wasn't deep - he howled again and clawed my stomach by rising onto his back legs. I gasped, stumbling away in shock. I looked down, seeing three ugly gashes on my stomach, bleeding. Truthfully, it didn't hurt, but I knew it was because of the adrenaline running through me.

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