✙ Chapter 22 ✙

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Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's short!



Everything hurt.

Opening my eyes, I felt the wetness on my cheeks as I squinted up at the harsh lights shining down on me. I groaned, flinching at the pain in my body - the most pain came from my head, which had smacked against the SUV, followed by darkness welcoming me. My lungs felt as if they were damaged by an endless amount of cigarettes because I was struggling to breathe for some odd reason. Oh, God. Sucking in a deep breath, I tried sitting forward, but I was held down by thick straps on my wrists and ankles. Panic overwhelmed me and releasing a small cry, I attempted wiggling out of the straps, using the little strength I had.

"Calm down," a voice came, startling me. I glanced around; my eyes skimmed across the white walls until they landed on a woman seated in a metal chair across the room. Her hair was brown, chopped off right above her shoulders. She was dressed in a tight, blue dress that contrasted with her black heels. She picked at her manicured nails as she watched me with her dark eyes, curiosity swarming in them.

Who is she?

Pursing her red lips, she rose to her feet, approaching me with her high-heels clacking against the marble flooring. Up close, I realized she wasn't any older than forty; she was probably thirty-two, give or take a few years. "The effects of the poison won't disappear for a few more days, but if you cooperate, I'll provide you with medicine to ease the pain."


The corners of her lips quirked upwards as I stared at her, confused. Honestly, I was starting to feel a burning in my gums and I shifted on the table, annoyed by the straps digging into my skin. "We've been performing tests on you, Emma. For the last few days, you've been waking up for short periods of time, before returning to your unconscious state." I frowned, replaying her words over and over again in my head. She knew my name - how? Tests? Few days? How long had I been there? The woman pranced around the table to the other side, her eyes wandering up my secured body. "My name is Amanda Walcott and I'm considered a scientist. I've been working with the government on the recently discovered beings - a lot of people label them as 'werewolves'."

Werewolves, I thought, suddenly having memories rushing at me. Ryker. I remembered the battle that occurred where Jay and Laura died. Images of helicopters crashing down and of werewolves mauling at soldiers overwhelmed me. All of the blood and violence caused my stomach to twist inside of me. The last thing I remembered was Ryker leaping in front of me, taking a dart that paralyzed him. Tears prickled my eyes and worriedly, I looked at the woman. "Where is h-he?"

"Your mate?" she responded, surprising me. "We've learned a few things, Emma. Like, how three of the werewolves being locked in our facility are capable of magic. Did you know they killed at least thirty of my provided guards?" I gulped loudly, feeling some relief knowing that Ryker and his brothers were alive, somewhere. "And, mates - it's fascinating how werewolves are able to find their soulmate by one touch or even a glance." She rubbed her lips together, smearing some of her red lipstick. "And, you just happen to be the mate of a werewolf. And, not just any werewolf, but one of those with magic."

I gulped loudly. "Why a-am I - "

"Here? Alive?" she questioned, interrupting me. "Sweetheart, I'm studying the bond between you and your mate. I'm playing my part in this whole operation by seeing how strong the bond runs between you two." She tapped her nails on one of the straps locking my ankles down. "Humans aren't able to know who their soulmate is by a glance - hell, we even get our soulmate wrong sometimes and find ourselves in a divorce." She laughed, her laugh sounding between an evil witch and an extreme cigarette smoker. "Do you want to know what else I've learned, Emma? I've learned that your mate is able to heal you with his blood."

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