✙ Chapter 26 ✙

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I started a new story, Pinky Promise! Check it out! :D



"Emma, he's down the corridor," Ethen said, gesturing with his arm. Another man came hustling around the corner, his gun aimed. As Ethen protected me with his body, Noah lunged forward, twisting the gun from the guard's hands with a groan. I watched in admiration as Noah smacked the gun into the guard's nose, sending blood flying across his determined face. The guard, wheezing, dropped to the ground, barely conscious. In anger, Noah kicked his leg and spit blood onto the stained floor, twirling the gun in his hands, cockily. Ethen nodded at him, before looking towards me, his emerald eyes swarming with emotions. "Last door on the right - go to him."

"What a-about you two?" I stuttered, breathing heavily.

Ethen pinched his lips together. "My brother's emotions are everywhere, Emma." Noah raised his gun and aimed it towards the corner, prepared for more guards. "The drugs have him a mess - you need to speak with him." I assumed Ethen was feeling Ryker's emotions through their bond; panic overwhelmed me at the worry evident on his face. Understanding, I nodded and grabbed his hand, giving it a small squeeze. His eyebrows knitted together and he looked down at our hands, tilting his head to one side. "You're perfect for my brother."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, you are," he answered, pulling away from me. He watched my expression, almost as if he was studying a rare creature. "You're everything he's not." I forced a grin, replaying his words over and over again in my head. "Save him, Emma." I didn't understand what he meant; after all, Ryker was the one who had always been saving me. Refusing to waste any more time, I turned away from him and began running down the corridor, listening to my echoing footsteps. Behind me, I heard the gunfire from Noah and the threats from Ethen. The adrenaline pumping through me was insane; I was almost positive that my heart was going to explode. Last door on the right.

I jerked to a stop, nearly toppling over. I faced the last door on the right, not surprised that it was closed. He was inside - my stomach twisted as nerves overwhelmed me. A sudden crash came from inside the room, startling me. Worried, I hurried into the room with a shout, frantically searching around for Ryker. There, stumbling in the middle of the room, was the person that I had been desperate to see. Ryker was wobbling back and forth on his feet, gripping handfuls of his black hair. My eyes flickered towards the scraped floor where a battered tray was with the food scattered around by his feet.


He froze, his shoulders stiffening. Slowly, he faced me, releasing his hair. My jaw-dropped at his appearance; I swear, my heart cracked. Dark circles rested underneath his red-rimmed eyes and his skin was pale, his veins popping out. He appeared skinnier, if that was even possible, since his muscles weren't bulging. The tips of his fingers were purple and blood splattered his shirt, making me question when it happened. His posture no longer showed power and dominance - his shoulders were hunched forward, his spine was popping out through his shirt, and his legs seemed weak beneath him.

I stepped forward. "What did they do to you?"

I took another step closer to him and he leaped backwards, shaking his head. "Stay away from me, Emma."

"I'm here to help you, Ryker," I told him, extending my hand. "Come on, we're finally getting out of here - we can leave." He stared at my hand, almost as if he was disgusted by it. What did they do to him? Why was he acting this way? He grabbed another handful of his hair, his emerald eyes staring through me. He started pulling at his hair, pulling out some dark pieces, and I rushed towards him, panicking. "Ryker! Don't!"

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