✙ Chapter 18 ✙

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Obsessed with that song over there! Check it out! --------->

And, figured I'd post this chapter after embarrassing myself greatly! You see, my "crush" spoke to me and well, I was super nervous and embarrassed myself! He won't be talking to me again! Nope! Lol, anyways, here you go! Tell me what you think!



"A friend of mine has offered to help us," Drew said, his arm around Nora's waist. "He's offered to let us stay at one of his homes." Fifteen minutes later, all of us were gathered in a circle in a clearing, surrounded by trees. Ryker stood beside me, close enough that his warmth was wrapping around me. His brothers lingered behind him with their emerald eyes scanning the area, much more cautious now. A part of me felt like they were disappointed in themselves for not being able to see the attack coming. Laura stood beside me, her arms folded across her chest. She was watching her brother's wounds heal with concerned eyes. Brody and Cole were standing across from her, holding hands. Beside them, there were Katie and Jay, holding each other. And, lastly, Noah who stood silent, a scowl on his face.

"Homes?" Brody repeated, eyes wide. "Is he rich?"

"Yes," Drew answered, nodding. "And, human - don't worry, we can trust him. He's friends with many werewolves."

"And, they haven't ate him yet?" Brody joked, before laughing. Drew rolled his eyes and Cole whispered something into his ear with a grin. Nora started rubbing his shoulder, careful of his wound. While werewolves were capable of healing fast, the bullets were silver, indicating the attack was meant for their kind. And, silver slowed the healing process. Brody glanced around the circle, smiling. "So, when are we meeting him? Can we stop for food first? If we don't, I'll be crabby because -"

"Brody," Katie interrupted, shaking her head. "Food isn't our biggest concern right now."

"Survival is," Nora said, licking her bottom lip. "Right now, we're basically on the run. Werewolves are being hunted down and we've already been attacked - they followed you back from McDonalds, Brody. And, you didn't see them, meaning they've not only been trained in weapons and defense, but camouflaging themselves. They lurked and trailed you; nobody really even heard them until gunfire started happening." She tossed her hands into the air, taking a deep breath. "I mean, they tried killing Emma -" she gestured towards me, her green eyes shifting around. "And, I don't think they knew she was human, but even if they did, I guarantee they would've still killed her."

"Because, she's associating with werewolves," Noah said, scratching his head. "Not only are werewolves in danger, but those involved with them. Those marked." His eyes focused on his sister, before shifting towards me.

"They're trained in weapons, defense, and camouflage," Cole said, raising an eyebrow. "They sound a lot like hunters."

Noah narrowed his eyes at him. "They're more like assassins."

"Same thing," Cole argued, receiving a nudge from his mate. "I'm just thinking, you and them are very similar - enough that you think alike." Not understanding, Noah folded his arms across his chest and pinched his lips together. "So, tell us, what would you do if you failed to kill a group of werewolves?"

"Well, I would follow their prints," Noah started, glancing towards his sister. "And, if that failed, I know in my head that they couldn't have gone far. I've hunted werewolves for years and there's one thing that I've learned: they don't like to stray far from home." Ryker placed his hand on my lower back and sparks fled through me. "Knowing that, I would inform others to keep a lookout and possibly create traps within the trees." His green eyes flickered around, gleaming underneath the shaft of moonlight. "To be honest, I think we should leave the forest. It's the most dangerous place for us."

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