A Fading Memory

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I find it funny
and unbelievable.
People can build
memories together,
and then all of a sudden...
those memories end up
being all they have left.

That's all I have left of you now...

All I have left of you now
are these memories,
and I'm not sure
what to do with them,
now that you're gone...

Since I can't have you
in my life anymore,
I have only memories of you,
They're all I have left now.
So I'm holding onto them
because you chose
to leave me with them,
and nothing else.

These memories used to be
crystal clear.
They used to be more vivid,
but with every passing day
without you here,
without you beside me,
without your smile,
without your laugh,
without you talking to me...
The more and more
they tend to fade away.

I still remember
the way your bright eyes
would light up as you
got an idea.

I still remember
your voice
as you told me
the imperfections of life,
and how you carried
on every conversation
in such a careful way.

I still remember
the way you looked down
in disbelief at how
ignorant people we knew
could be.

I still remember
the way you would
throw your head back laughing
as I reacted just the way
you wanted me to
when you told me something.

I still remember
that knowing look
you would get on your face
every time that
you saw that I was
hiding something.

I still remember
how you convinced me
it was okay to rant to you
and tell you anything
I felt like talking about.

I still remember.

I still remember it all,
it's not something that I'll forgot,
maybe that's something that'll
last a very long time.

I still find myself holding on
to these seemingly
everlasting memories
like a precious diamond...

Because something
as fragile as these memories
are something that
I don't want to let go of
anytime soon.

Oh, how I wish
I could just forget all of it,
it would be so much easier.
But I can't,
and you not being here
ensures that this will all stay
inside my mind,
slowly numbing me
on the inside...

But over time,
the memories slowly fade away,
and as time passes,
they'll become nothing
but faded memories.

Perhaps it's better
that they are no longer as vivid
as they used to be...

Because darling,
all you are now is a
fading memory...

(this is the second poem my friend made) (it's kind of a sequel to You Can't Save Me, Not Anymore) (please no hate) (I love it)

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