Not How You'd Like Me To Be

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Everything I do
Never meets
anyone's expectations.

You want me
to get all A's,
One bad grade
won't suffice.
You look down upon
anything less than
a perfect GPA.

The pressure is on;
Applied by not only myself,
but by everyone else as well.

I'm struggling,
Barely coming up to breathe,
And no one sees.
No one cares.
No one helps.

Nothing works out
in my favor,
Things never go
the way
I want
or need.

I cannot be the
"Perfect Daughter"
You've always wanted,
Nor the
"Best Friend"
You'll always need.

I fuck up,
I make mistakes,
Just like everyone else.

Wow, no news there.

Here's a thought:
Maybe give me a little slack?
Okay. I understand.

Not really.
Why am I treated differently
Than others?
Always taken advantage of,
Played with,
And torn apart.

Why am I the runt of the litter?
Why am I teased and bullied?
What have I ever done to deserve this?

I don't find it fair.
It doesn't feel right.

I see others who are treated better,
Put on pedistools and worshiped.

I'm not saying I need that.
I don't like too much attention,
Good or bad.

But it would be nice
To be noticed once in a while.

It would be nice
If I was shown a bit of appreciation
For all of the work
I put into everything and everyone.

It would be nice
If someone said "Thank you,"
Even once.

It would be nice
If I were treated like the rest,
With something other than
Hatred and disrespect,
Unappreciation​ and ignorance...

I'm sorry if
I disappoint,
If I am not what you expected,
If I am lesser than your expectations,
If I do not come to par with others...

But this is me.
If you can't deal,
Then too bad.

"You get what you get,
And you don't throw a fit."

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