For Myself

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My skin is mine,
And mine alone.
I add makeup to my face for
The sole purpose of pleasing myself,
Not anyone else.

My hair is mine,
And mine alone.
I dye and cut and style it
Any way I want
just because I can.

My nails are mine,
And mine alone.
I paint them
Any color with any designs I want,
To either match,
Or not match any of my clothing,
Because why not?

My opinions and beliefs are mine,
And mine alone.
I am as strong as a willow,
And as stubborn as a jackass;
There is no wavering me.

I am my own person,
And mine alone.
You cannot tell me what to do,
Or force me to do anything.
You cannot tell me what to say,
Or force me to say anything.
I have my own voice,
My own body.
I may do with that power as I please.

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