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I woke up with with a jolt, and the realization of what happened hit me one again. I heard the beep beep of the heart monitor and realized I was in a hospital bed. Before I could start crying again the nurse walked in to check on me.
"Hello, Larry, my name is Kathy. How are you today?" The nurse said with a smile.
"My brother is gone." I said as I began to burst into tears. It felt like the hole in my heart became deeper and deeper and it wouldn't stop growing.

"I understand, Hun. My husband died a few years ago and never thought I would live a happy life again. I soon realized I enjoyed helping other people, so here I am! Helping others but also helping myself." She explained. She smiled again and it made me feel a little better.
I studied her face closely. She looked like she was in her mid- forties. She had dark red hair and green eyes. When she smiled, her face crinkled up around her mouth. She wore grey scrubs and a necklace that reminded me of..... Laurent. I no longer saw Kathy but instead I saw him. He wore all white and had a shining gleam. I screamed in disbelief and Laurent disappeared.

Kathy's face looked extremely concerned. "Larry, are you alright? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong! I'm okay!" I said, faking a smile. I could tell she didn't buy it.

"I'm going to get you some water," she said slowly. "Don't do anything while I'm gone."

When she closed the door I closed my eyes and tried to rest. I suddenly felt a breeze over my arm and I got chills. I felt a presence near me. "Larry," it whispered "wake up." I opened my eyes to see who it was, but no one was there. Kathy walked back in and I no longer felt that presence.
"Drink some water," she said as she handed me the styrofoam cup."I have a meal that's coming for you. You get to leave tomorrow morning."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you," I said. "for everything."

It's been two hours since Kathy brought my meal and all I can do now is think. Think about what happens when I go home, what happens to my... our career. There is no way I will dance without my brother. It's impossible, like trying to dance with one leg. I started to cry. "God, I need my brother back. Please. I am nothing without him." I knew I needed sleep to get back home so I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off, remembering the great times I had with my brother.

I woke up to the sound of my mother's voice. She was talking to Kathy and she sounded as bad as I felt. I knew she was absolutely heartbroken. "This has to be a joke! My son cannot be dead! Please..." She pleaded. "This has to be a joke!" She says, sobbing. Kathy soothes her with comforting words in her soft voice.

Minutes later my mother came into the room, her face dry but still red from crying. "Mama I-"

She took my hand and squeezed it."It's alright mon fils. We will be alright."

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