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Laurent and I decided to go to a club so I could get out of the house and dance. I was nervous because I didn't know how people would react when they saw me again. I've been cooped up, hiding from society for over a month now. My mom calls me every once in awhile to make sure I'm okay, but everyone else gives me space. It drives me insane sometimes. I know why they do it though;

All of my family is planning Laurent's funeral.

They know I don't want anything to do with that. It would be too much for me. Now I actually see him. They would think I went crazy.

I wondered why this was happening, and decided that there were two possibilities as to why Laurent is here:

1. He's just a figment of my imagination and I "created" him to help myself with the grief.
2. This is a miracle from God and He gave me more time with my late brother to help with the grief.

I'm praying it's number two.

I get dressed in random clothes and waited for Laurent to show up. He comes a few minutes later, gives me a hug, and we get in my car to go to the club. I get in the driver's seat hesitantly because I realize the accident was the last time we were in the car together.

"Last time we were in a car together, the accident happened," Laurent said, stealing my thoughts.

"Yeah, let's pray we don't get hurt this time," I say.

Laurent sighs. "Yup."

With a sigh I start the engine and drive to the club. It doesn't take very long to get there and it looks pretty empty. Laurent and I get out of the car and walk inside.

As soon as I take my first step into the club, I see people staring at me, in shock. I guess they thought I would never want to dance again. I probably would've quit if Laurent didn't keep me going. As Laurent walks into the club I expect to hear screams, but everyone stares at me for a bit longer, then they go back to their own business.

I turned to Laurent. "Can they see you?"

He starts to look uncomfortable, worried almost. "No... It's just you that can see me. Big Boss thinks that'll cause less problems."

"Oh," I said, taken aback. "I guess it was stupid to think other people could see you." Laurent put a hand on my shoulder, reassuring me.

All of a sudden a man, who was obviously very drunk, came up to me, trying very hard to stand still. "You're Larry Bourgeois! One of the best dancers in the world!" He gave me a drunken smile. "And your broth-" he stopped when he saw the look of grief on my face.

"Oh." He said in an apologetic way. He turned around and walked to the crowd of dancing people. I looked at Laurent, on the verge of tears. He gave me a sad smile. "Don't worry, my brother. You will be okay. You should go dance now." He pushed me closer to the crowd.

Once the crowd saw who I was, all of them pushed me in the center to dance. They started to chant my name, trying to get me excited. Right after they started, "Bang it to the Curb" began to play. I was ready to leave, but I saw Laurent staring at me in the crowd, angry.

"DANCE," he said. "DANCE, LARRY!"

I listened to the music and started to dance. I was mad, mad that my brother was dead, mad that my family doesn't talk to me anymore, mad that I couldn't have taken my brother's place. I made my own story out of the music. I could feel the emotions of the song blended with my own. I was so caught up in the music that I almost missed Laurent's screams for me. It made me dance harder, even though I was already giving it my all.

The song finally ended and I was too tired to even walk. I was dripping with sweat. Laurent walked up to me, satisfied with my dance.

"You did well, my brother. Let's go home now."

Once we got home, Laurent stayed for a little longer, then left me for the night. I still couldn't believe the emotion I put into the dance at the club.

I just wish my brother could've danced with me.

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