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It's been a full week since Laurent was here. I usually sit in bed for most of the day until my stomach can't take the pain of hunger. I get up and make a bowl of cereal. I've completely given up on cooking. It reminds me too much of him. I go back up to my room and sit on my bed, not caring if I make a mess.

My mom tries to call at least two or three times a day, but I never answer. I know she's going to talk about Laurent and I don't want to. When I finished my bowl of cereal I heard my phone ring again. My mom. I ignored it like I usually do, but then I heard a knock at the door. I figured it was the cable company demanding my money since I haven't paid in months, but when I opened the door I saw my mother.

She looked more alive since I had last seen her. She has clearly been coping better than me. I've been wearing the same outfit since the day Laurent left and I could tell I smelled really bad. What difference does it make? Laurent isn't coming back.

"Larry, where have you been? I've been trying to contact you, but you never answe-" I cut her off.

"It's been hard coping," I say, on the verge of tears.

"But you would always pick up before this week." She said in a worried tone. "What's going on?"

"Something happened," I say, choking on my words. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I started to cry and my mother gave me a hug, ignoring my terrible smell.

"I've already lost one son, I can't lose another." She let go of me, kissed my cheek, and went to her car. She turned to me before she opened the door. "Call me if you need anything. I love you, Larry." She got in the car and drove off. I closed the door and went back to my bed.

Maybe I should tell her, I thought. Maybe she would believe me. It might help with the pain and grief.

After a long hour of thinking, I decided I would take her out somewhere and tell her about Laurent. I really hope this works.

I went to bed early that night and dreamed of darkness, but this time there was a voice.

"Larry, you have to wake up, I can't lose you." I didn't recognize the voice, it was too blurry and soft. "Please," the voice pleaded. "I need you."

I opened my eyes, but all I saw was the moon outside my window. "Stupid dream." I muttered to myself. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

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