Out of time

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The past few months with Laurent have been so close to normal that sometimes I forget He ever died. We would go to clubs a few times every week, but we... I haven't done any workshops since the accident. I was starting to feel a lot better. I started enjoying life again. It was all thanks to the time I had with Laurent. He was my life, nothing would be the same without him.

It was a Friday night and Laurent and I had just gotten back from a club. I was pretty happy today so I was going to make some dinner before Laurent left for the night. I was humming in the kitchen while cooking pasta, as happy as can be. The moment I put the food on the table, I could sense something was wrong. Laurent was pretty quiet ever since we had gotten home, but I didn't think much of it. Now I could tell something was really bothering him.

"What's wrong, Laurent?" I asked as I sat down at the table. He looked down at his food and started to tear up, the gleam around him becoming dimmer.

A tear fell. "I spoke to Big Boss before I came today," he said, never looking up at me. "I..." He stood up from his seat and ran up to my room. Confused, I ran after him to see what was wrong.

I found him laying on my bed crying. My heart broke at the sight of seeing my brother like this. "Lau, what's going on?"

He turned to meet my eyes. "Listen, Larry," Laurent said with such pain in his voice. "I won't be able to stay here much longer. You're going to have to get through this on your own." He said with fresh tears falling down his face. My heart sank to the ground. "I overstayed my welcome and I made the situation worse. I'm terribly sorry, my brother."

"Lau, don't apologize!" I started to cry too. "You helped me, you didn't make it worse." Laurent got up and ran over to me to give me a hug. He hugged me tight and I hugged him even tighter. We stayed like that for a long time while we cried until our heads hurt. Hesitantly, Laurent finally let go of me.

"It's time for me to go," almost chocking on his words." I love you so much, Larry. Don't forget that. Please."

"I love you too, Laurent. Much more than words can describe." He touched my face then started to get up. I felt cold inside when he walked out of my room. I could feel the silence around me. It was too much to handle. I ran downstairs and went outside. It was freezing outside, but it made me feel better, like the weather could feel my pain. I finally went back inside after a few minutes and sat on the couch, staring at the food on the table.

"Come back Laurent," I whispered, as if he was in the room with me. "COME BACK TO ME." I began to cry again. I cried until my eyes burned. I finally drifted into a deep. I dreamed of darkness, a world without life;

Without Laurent.

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