Wide awake

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When I opened my eyes I saw Laurent next to me, his whole face a light red from crying. He had big bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and all I wanted to do was hug him, but I was still too weak.

"Larry, you're awake! I'm so happy you're awake!" He started to cry again while he stood up to hug me.

"Laurent, I missed you so much. I'm so glad you're okay." I joined in on my brother's crying.

While we still hugging I heard the door open, and saw a familiar face....

"... Arianna?" She looked at me and smiled. I realized she was a nurse when I saw her wearing scrubs. "I saw you in my... my-"

"In your coma? I figured you would. Every time I checked on you, you had your eyes open." She smiled at me again and looked at Laurent, who sat back in his chair, almost blushing. "I'm glad you came back for your brother, he missed you so much."

Laurent scratched the back of his neck."Yeah, I did." He said shyly.

Arianna started to walk out of the room. "I have to go tell the doctor you're awake. I'll be right back." I don't know if I saw this clearly, but it looked like she winked at Laurent. Interesting....

Laurent looked back at me when the door closed. "She's so nice. I love her name too." He looked up and smiled at the ceiling as if her name her written up there. Very interesting. I chucked and Lau blushed again.

"From what I see, you two have gotten to know each other." I laughed when Laurent gave me a look of shock. "Come on, I'm not stupid. I know you like her and she likes you." I winked at him. This time it was his turn to chuckle.

A few minutes later, Arianna came back in with the doctor and another nurse that I recognized.

"Kathy?" I asked.

"Yes Larry hun, you remembered me!" She grinned and I grinned back.

The doctor came over to me to check all of my vital signs to see if everything was okay.

"Alright, Larry, your vitals look good. You'll stay here for a few more days, and then you'll be free to go." The doctor gave me a smile and left the room.

I started talking to Kathy because Laurent and Arianna were too busy talking to each other, looking over at me every few minutes to see if I was okay. I was so happy to know people cared about me, but I still wanted to know what happened at the accident.

"Kathy," I said. "Can you tell me what went down at the accident?"

"Yes, sure," she said. "What I heard is that you had called 911 and when they asked you where you were, you had blacked out. They were about to track your cell phone, but Laurent came on the phone and told is where you were. He tried everything he could to bring you back, but you were unresponsive. He thought you had died." She looked like she was tearing up.

"They took you away and you were in this hospital bed for almost four months, until now." She ended the story with a smile. "We're all glad that you're back, but you have to recover quickly because your fans are worried about you guys. They haven't heard anything since the accident. For all they know, you two could be dead."

The fans. I had forgotten about them. "You're right, Kathy. And thank you for telling me what happened."

"It's my pleasure, Hun. I wish you the best." she got up and hugged me.

Kathy left the room as Laurent and Arianna came over to me.

"The fans," I said to Laurent.

He nodded in agreement. "I know. The main priority right now is for you to recover, though."

"Yeah," I said softly.

"What are you guys going to do?" Arianna asked the both of us.

"Battles." Laurent and I said together.

This should be fun.


HIIIII!! I want to that you guys for reading my first ever completed book!!!!' :D It was difficult at times, but I'm glad I did it! I ALSO WANT TO THANK YOU FOR 1K VIEWS!!!!! It's such an amazing accomplishment that I didn't think I would get to this soon! I want to let you guys know I'm writing the first chapter of sequel to this book so that should be out in a couple days. I want to give a shoutout to wall_of_meerahz for the inspiration to write the second book, and to my friend  for helping me plan it!!(you know who you are) I have put a twist on it though ;)
Thank you again for all the support from people on wattpad and my friends who aren't. I love you guys so much!!! ❤️❤️

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