We're all okay

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I opened my eyes to find that I was in a dark room, alone. I was sitting down in a corner, so I stood up and tried to find a way out of here. All I found was another corner.

"Larry," Laurent suddenly said. I jumped, startled. It sounded like his voice was coming from the ceiling. "Don't give up, there's too much for you to lose."

"But how do I get out of here?" I yelled in confusion. It wasn't like I wanted to stay here, I just didn't know how to get out. I wanted to my back with my family, safe and sound. Being here was hell.

"Larry, I'm begging you," Laurent said as if he didn't hear me. "I can't live without you." He started to cry and I started to scream.

"Why am I here? I need to get out of here! God please!" I fell down to the floor and cried my anger out. I stayed on the ground for awhile, thinking about how I was supposed to get out of here. I don't know if I can I thought to myself. "I'm sorry, Laurent. I'm so sorry." I said to the ceiling.

As soon as I put my head down I felt gravel and a rough ground. I stood up and realized I was on the street of the accident. This again? I was confused for a moment, until I realized something. The accident! It's what's keeping me here. I saw the two cars collide again and walked up to them to get a closer look. I saw our driver that was moving slowly and looked in the back seat only to find Laurent who passed out. I was nowhere to be found. Confused, I looked over to my left and found myself on the ground with a cell phone near my ear. I remember calling 911. I guess I went into a coma after that. I understood what had happened now, but I didn't know why I was still here. I backed up and the scene kept replaying. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

"I don't want to stay here forever," I cried. "I need to solve whatever is going on." I sat down and out my head in my lap until I drifted back to the hospital bed again.

I felt Laurent's hand in mine and the soft sound of his snores. I squeezed his hand to wake him, and he jumped up.

"Oh, Larry, you're awake." He said with some relief in his voice. "The doctor said you're under a high amount of stress, and it's keeping you in the coma so I just want you to know that there's nothing to be worried about. Everyone is okay, I'm okay. We're all worried about you though. Please come back, we're all okay." He put his head on my chest. "We're all okay, Larry." He whispered it this time. "I promise."

And with that, I finally had the strength to open my eyes.

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