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My mother wanted to drive me home, so I packed up everything I had in the hospital room, said goodbye to Kathy, and got in the car.

The ride was very quiet, the only sound was Pentatonix's On My Way Home playing softly from the radio. I put my head back and closed my eyes. I thought about the accident and what I had seen in the hospital.
Confused I said,"mama," hesitating slightly."is there any way I could have seen. . . Laurent after the accident? Like at the hospital? I saw him in my room and... And-" my mother cut me off.

"Nonsense," she said in a harsh tone. "just your imagination."

"Oh," I said sorrowfully. "I thought it really could have been him." My mother said nothing. When we got to the house, she finally spoke.

"We have to understand that Laurent is gone and we must be able to let go." She looked down to grab my hand. "Please don't do anything crazy. I love you."

I got out of the car and turned back to her. "I love you too." I said and shut the door, watching her drive off.

I walked into my house and sat down on the brown couch that I had gotten a few years back. It never completely matched with the rest of the house. The walls were a light maroon and the stairs were black. There were so many pictures on the wall I lost count. Each of them were in a specialized frame.

I decided to watch some tv but froze when I felt that same little breeze on my neck. I decided to ignore it and turned on the tv. I realized this was a mistake when I saw Laurent's face and the caption "Laurent Bourgeois killed in car accident" on my screen. I turned the tv off and ran up to my room. I fell on my bed and cried for a long time. What was I going to do without him?

That's when I heard that same voice from the hospital. "Get up, Larry." It said in a soft whisper. I thought about what my mom said and stayed where I was.

"Just my imagination," I said to myself. "Not real."

"How can you be so sure?" The voice said in a devilish tone. I started to really freak out, too scared to get up and see who or what it was. I finally thought to myself: if this is my imagination, there shouldn't be anything there. Maybe I'm overreacting.

I got up and looked behind me. Nothing. I sighed in relief until something caught my eye. In the corner of my room there was a person standing there. They were in all white and I couldn't see their face. It was blurry somehow. They gave off a gleam that no normal human does. I got scared, wondering why this was happening."Who are you?!??!" I asked.

All of a sudden the face began to clear up. I fell back in my bed in terror as I was looking into the eyes of Laurent.

"How are you... What are you....... WHAT'S GOING ON???"

"You wanted to see me, right?" Laurent asked. He smiled. "I missed you so much."

"I don't understand-" Laurent cut me off.

"And you don't have to. I'm all yours until the sun sets, then I must go to my new home. You'd love it! But you cannot come yet," He said in a harsh tone. "you must live out our dream."

"Laurent, please help me understand. I thought you were dead but, you're standing in front of me!" I touched Laurent's arm and felt the warm skin. "Are you alive? We have to tell mama-"

"We can't tell her yet. And I'm not completely alive," he said with a smirk. "I'll explain it later. Right now you need to go to sleep. I have to leave anyways. I will see you tomorrow, my brother." He hugged me tight. "Sweet dreams." He walked out of my room but I never heard the door open or close.

I lied in bed and tried to understand what just happened. I saw my brother again. What did he mean by not completely alive? What's going on? Am I alive? I got caught up in my thoughts and slowly drifted to sleep. I dreamed of Laurent and I dancing our hearts out, but Laurent slowly faded away and eventually it was only me on stage. I still knew where he was but all eyes were on me as if the audience couldn't see him. I didn't feel lost though. I felt as if Laurent and I were in the same body as I danced. The dream ended in applause as I went into a deep sleep.

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